Category Sheetmetal, Object ProSmt

Function ProSmtBendsrfInfoGet

Collects information about sheetmetal bend surface.
#include <ProSheetmetal.h>
ProPart smt_part
/* (In)
The sheetmetal part.
ProSurface surface
/* (In)
The sheetmetal bend surface of PRO_SMT_SURF_FACE or PRO_SMT_SURF_OFFSET type. Only cylindrical surfaces and planar surfaces created by unbend of cylindrical surfaces are allowed. The surface might be inactive.
double* radius
/* (Out)
Bend radius. Pass NULL if this data is not needed.
ProBool* is_inside_radius
/* (Out)
If PRO_B_TRUE, the radius is inside. If PRO_B_FALSE, the radius is outside. Pass NULL if this data is not needed.
double* angle
/* (Out)
Bend angle in degrees. Pass NULL if this data is not needed.
double* dev_length
/* (Out)
Developed length of surface. Pass NULL if this data is not needed.
ProSmtDvlLenCalcInfo* dev_len_info
/* (Out)
Development length info. Pass NULL if this data is not needed.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function collected all required information.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSThe model is not a sheet metal part or the surface is not a bend sutface. PRO_TK_BAD_CONTEXT- The bend table that is used to calculate the developed length is invalid or the bend table formula can't be calculated.
PRO_TK_NOT_VALIDThe developed length is zero or negative.
PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERRORSome other error.

Manual References:

  1. Production Applications: Sheetmetal: Geometry Analysis