Category Sketches and sections, Object ProSection

Function ProSectionEntityUseOffsetLoop

Adds loop of entities to the specified section creating them at an offset distance from projections of: bounding edges of a solid model surface; 3D curve segments. It simulates the behavior of Sketcher/Edge/Offset/... command.
#include <ProSection.h>
ProSection section
/* (In)
The section.
ProSelection ref_sel1
/* (In)
First edge belonging to the contour of the surface or 3D curve segment.
ProSelection ref_sel2
/* (In)
Second edge belonging to the contour of the surface or NULL for 3D curve segment as ref_sel1.
double offset_val
/* (In)
Offset distance.
int* p_dim_id
/* (Out)
Offset dimension ID. May be NULL.
int** p_id_list
/* (Out)
The array of identifiers. The function allocates the memory for this argument. Call the function ProArrayFree() to release the memory. May be NULL.
int* p_num_ids
/* (Out)
The size of the p_id_list array. May be NULL.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORSuccessfully added the entity with the offset value.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSOne or more of the input arguments are invalid.
See Also

Manual References:

  1. Element Trees: Sketched Features: Creating Geometry by Offsetting