Category Manufacturing, Object ProMfgdb

Callback ProMfgdbSearchAction

Type for callback used by Creo Parametric to initiate a query to search the database for objects. To register this user-specified function for use by Creo Parametric, specify the function as an input argument to ProMfgdbRegister().
#include <ProMfgdb.h>
ProMfgdbQuerynode root_node
/* (In)
Root node of the query tree. The memory for this tree is allocated by Creo Parametric and will be automatically freed when the callback function returns. It is the user's responsibility to save any data for use in subsequent queries.
int timeout
/* (In)
The timeout period in seconds. If the database does not respond during this period, the function returns status PRO_TK_TIMED_OUT. Value -1 means no timeout.
ProAppData appdata
/* (In)
Pointer to data specific to the Creo Parametric TOOLKIT application which was passed in the call to ProMfgdbRegister().
ProMfgdbMatch** p_match_arr
/* (Out)
The matching object description, to be stored in an array of type ProArray.
ProLine error
/* (Out)
Text of an error message that Creo Parametric will display to the user if the function returns any error status. To support more than one language, provide a message file containing the translations, and use ProMessageToBuffer() to translate the string.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORAt least one successful match was found
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSThe query could be interpreted
PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUNDNo matches were found
PRO_TK_CANT_OPENDatabase connection is lost - login required
PRO_TK_TIMED_OUTThe database could not be accessed within the timeout period.

Manual References:

  1. Production Applications: Customized Tool Database: Registering the External Database