Category Manufacturing, Object ProMfg

Function ProMfgMdlCreate

Creates a manufacturing object. Note: In Creo 3 this function does not support names longer than 31 characters. It will return PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS for longer names. The support for ProMdlName will be added in a future release.
#include <ProMfg.h>
ProName name
/* (In)
The name of the manufacturing object.
ProMfgType sub_type
/* (In)
The manufacturing subtype defined by the enum ProMfgType.
ProMdl model
/* (In)
The reference model prompted for during creation of the manufacturing object. For part machining, this should be the design part. For sheet metal manufacturing, this should be the sheet metal workpiece. For all other types, this argument is ignored.
ProMfg* p_mfg
/* (Out)
The newly created manufacturing object.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function successfully created the manufacturing object.
PRO_TK_E_FOUNDA manufacturing object with the specified name already exists.
PRO_TK_UNSUPPORTEDThe function did not create the manufacturing object with subtype PRO_MFGTYPE_MACH_PART.
OtherOne or more of the input arguments are invalid, so the function did not create the manufacturing object.

Manual References:

  1. Production Applications: Manufacturing: Creating a Manufacturing Model
  2. Core: Models and Model Items: Creating Models
  3. Core: Models and Model Items: Creating Models
  4. Working with Multi-CAD Models Using Creo Unite: Functions that Support Multi-CAD Assemblies
  5. Working with Multi-CAD Models Using Creo Unite: Superseded Functions
  6. Working with Multi-CAD Models Using Creo Unite: Restrictions on Character Length for Multi-CAD Functions

Sample Code References:

  1. pt_examples ( TestDbms.c )