Category Notifications, Category Assembly, Object ProAsmcomp

Callback ProAsmcompActivatePostAction

This is the notification function that is called when the user chooses to activate a model from the model tree using "Activate", after actual activation was done. This function is to be supplied by the user by calling ProNotificationSet() with the notify type PRO_ASMCOMP_ACTIVATION_POST.
#include <ProAsmcomppath.h>
ProAsmcomppath* active_path
/* (In)
The path to the new active model.
ProSolid active_model
/* (In)
The newly activated model.
ProError in_err
/* (In)
PRO_TK_NO_ERROR if the user accepted activation of the component; PRO_TK_ABORT if the user cancelled activation.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORActivation was successfully finished.
OtherActivation finished, but with problems.

Manual References:

  1. Event-driven Programming: Notifications: Context Change Events