Category Assembly, Object ProAsmcomp

Function ProAsmcompConstraintsWithComppathGet

retrieves an array of constraints for a given Assembly component where constraints orientation has value with respect to datum plane and uses component path. This function supersedes ProAsmcompConstraintsWithDtmOrientGet.
#include <ProAsmcomp.h>
ProAsmcomp* component
/* (In)
The assembly component
ProAsmcomppath* component_path
/* (In)
The path to the owner assembly, if the constraints have references to other members of the top level assembly. If the constraints are only with respect to the assembly owner in component, this should be NULL.
ProAsmcompconstraint** pp_constraints
/* (Out)
ProArray of constraints
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function successfully retrieved the information.
PRO_TK_INVALID_TYPEThe component argument is not a valid assembly component.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSThe input is invalid.
PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUNDThe assembly component does not have any constraints.

Manual References:

  1. Assembly: Assembling Components: Assembling Components by Functions
  2. Assembly: Assembling Components: Assembling Components by Functions
  3. Technical Summary of Changes for Creo Functions superseded from Creo 1.0 to Creo 11.0

Sample Code References:

  1. pt_userguide ( UgAsmcompConstraint.c )