Category Features, Object ProFeature

Function ProFeatureWithoptionsRedefine

Redefines the feature from the element tree.
Replacement in Object TOOLKIT: wfcWFeature::RedefineFeature
#include <ProFeature.h>
ProAsmcomppath* comp_path
/* (In)
The path to the part to which the feature belongs. This can be NULL when you are redefining in Part mode, or when the feature belongs to the top-level assembly.
ProFeature* feature
/* (In)
The feature.
ProElement elemtree
/* (In)
The element tree.
ProFeatureCreateOptions* options
/* (In)
A ProArray of user options.
int flags
/* (In)
The regeneration control flags. Pass as bitmask containing one or more of the bit flags PRO_REGEN defined in ProSolid.h
ProErrorlist* p_errors
/* (Out)
The list of errors.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function successfully redefined the feature.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSOne or more of the input arguments are invalid.
PRO_TK_UNSUPPORTEDIf redefining embedded component feature in different owner asm or sub-asm.

Manual References:

  1. Core: Features: Manipulating Features based on Regeneration Flags
  2. Element Trees: Sweep: To Create a Sweep Feature
  3. Element Trees: Sweep: Creating a Simple Sweep Feature

Sample Code References:

  1. pt_examples ( TestAsm.c )
  2. pt_examples ( SketchFeatureCreate.c )
  3. pt_examples ( TestExtrude.c )
  4. pt_examples ( TestClCmd.c )
  5. pt_examples ( UtilTree.c )
  6. pt_userguide ( Ug3DSectSplineDim.c )
  7. pt_userguide ( Ug3DSection.c )
  8. pt_userguide ( Ug3DSweepCreate.c )
  9. pt_userguide ( Ug3DSweepCreate.c )
  10. pt_userguide ( UgCreoSweepCreate.c )
  11. pt_userguide ( UgCreoSweepCreate.c )
  12. pt_userguide ( UgCreoSweepCreate.c )
  13. pt_userguide ( UgSketchedCurveCreate.c )
  14. pt_userguide ( UgSketchedPointCreate.c )
  15. pt_userguide ( UgSktExtrusionCut.c )
  16. pt_userguide ( UgSktExtrusionProtrusion.c )
  17. pt_userguide ( UgSktExtrusionSurfaceCapped.c )
  18. pt_userguide ( UgSktExtrusionSurfaceTrim.c )
  19. pt_userguide ( UgSktExtrusionTemplate.c )
  20. pt_userguide ( UgSktExtrusionThin.c )
  21. pt_userguide ( UgSktFirstFeatureCreate.c )
  22. pt_userguide ( UgSktFirstFeatureRevCreate.c )
  23. pt_userguide ( UgSktRevolveProtrusion.c )
  24. pt_userguide ( UgSktRevolveSurface.c )
  25. pt_userguide ( UgSktRevolveTemplate.c )
  26. pt_userguide ( UgSktRevolveThinCut.c )
  27. pt_userguide ( UgSweepCreate.c )
  28. pt_userguide ( UgSweepCreate.c )