	Copyright (c) 2024 PTC Inc. and/or Its Subsidiary Companies. All Rights Reserved.

/*---------------------- Pro/Toolkit Includes ------------------------*/
#include "ProToolkit.h"
#include "ProFeature.h"
#include "ProElemId.h"
#include "ProExtrude.h"
#include "ProModFeat.h"
#include "ProStdSection.h"
#include "ProElement.h"
#include "ProElempath.h"
#include "ProFeatType.h"
#include "ProFeatForm.h"
#include "ProSelection.h"
#include "ProSection.h"

#include "ProExtrude.h"

static ProFileName message_file; 

#define C_LOG(a) ProTKPrintf ("Status for %s is = %d\n", a, status ); \
	ERROR_CHECK( a, "UgSktExtrusionCreate.c", status );

#define C_PRINT(a) ProTKPrintf ( "%s\n", a);

FUNCTION : UserSktExtrusionThin()
PURPOSE  : Demonstrates the creation of the extruded thin cut.
ProError UserSktExtrusionThin()
  ProReference REPDEP_ref2;
  ProReference REPDEP_ref1;
  ProReference REPDEP_ref3;
  ProReference REPDEP_ref4;
  ProErrorlist            errors;
  ProMdl                  model;
  ProModelitem            model_item;
  ProSelection            model_sel;
  ProFeature              feature;
  ProFeatureCreateOptions *opts = 0;
  ProElempath             path;
  ProElempathItem         path_items[2];
  ProSection              section;
  ProAsmcomppath          comp_path;
  ProAsmcomppath          *p_comp_path = NULL;
  ProValue                value;
  double                  width;
  double                  height;
  double                  bite_radius;
  double                  bite_height;
  char                    name[PRO_NAME_SIZE];
  ProBoolean              alloc;
  ProSelection            selection;

  ProElement sketch_element; 
  ProElement created_elemtree; 
  ProElement pro_e_feature_tree;
  ProElement pro_e_feature_type;
  ProElement pro_e_feature_form;
  ProElement pro_e_ext_surf_cut_solid_type;
  ProElement pro_e_remove_material;
  ProElement pro_e_feat_form_is_thin;
  ProElement pro_e_thickness;
  ProElement pro_e_std_matrlside;
  ProElement pro_e_std_direction;

  ProElement pro_e_std_ext_depth;
  ProElement pro_e_ext_depth_from;
  ProElement pro_e_ext_depth_from_ref;
  int from_ref_id, from_ref_type;
  ProModelitem from_ref_item;
  ProElement pro_e_ext_depth_from_type;
  ProElement pro_e_ext_depth_to;
  ProElement pro_e_ext_depth_to_type;
  ProElement pro_e_ext_depth_to_ref;
  int to_ref_id, to_ref_type;
  ProModelitem to_ref_item;
  ProElement pro_e_std_section;
  ProElement pro_e_std_sec_method;
  ProElement pro_e_std_sec_setup_plane;
  ProElement pro_e_std_sec_plane;
  ProElement pro_e_std_sec_plane_view_dir;
  ProElement pro_e_std_sec_plane_orient_dir;
  ProElement pro_e_std_sec_plane_orient_ref;

  ProSelection *sketch_refs;
  ProError 	status;
  ProValueData 	value_data;
  ProSelection * p_select;
  int 		n_select;
  ProStringToWstring ( message_file, "utilities.txt" ); 

  log_file = PTApplsUnicodeFopen ( "ug_sketched_curve.log", "w" ); 

  status = ProMdlCurrentGet (&model);
  if ( status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR ) return ( status );
    Populating root element PRO_E_FEATURE_TREE 
  C_PRINT( " *** Processing Element PRO_E_FEATURE_TREE *** " );
  status = ProElementAlloc ( PRO_E_FEATURE_TREE, &pro_e_feature_tree ); 
  C_LOG( " ProElementAlloc " );
    Populating element PRO_E_FEATURE_FORM

  C_PRINT( " *** Processing Element PRO_E_FEATURE_FORM *** " );
  status = ProElementAlloc ( PRO_E_FEATURE_FORM, &pro_e_feature_form );
  C_LOG( " ProElementAlloc " );
  status = ProElementIntegerSet(pro_e_feature_form,PRO_EXTRUDE);
  C_LOG( " ProElementIntegerSet" );
  status = ProElemtreeElementAdd ( pro_e_feature_tree, NULL, pro_e_feature_form );
  C_LOG( " ProElemtreeElementAdd" );

    Populating element PRO_E_EXT_SURF_CUT_SOLID_TYPE
  C_PRINT( " *** Processing Element PRO_E_EXT_SURF_CUT_SOLID_TYPE *** " );
  status = ProElementAlloc ( PRO_E_EXT_SURF_CUT_SOLID_TYPE, &pro_e_ext_surf_cut_solid_type );
  C_LOG( " ProElementAlloc " );
  status = ProElementIntegerSet(pro_e_ext_surf_cut_solid_type,PRO_EXT_FEAT_TYPE_SOLID);
  C_LOG( " ProElementIntegerSet" );
  status = ProElemtreeElementAdd ( pro_e_feature_tree, NULL, pro_e_ext_surf_cut_solid_type );
  C_LOG( " ProElemtreeElementAdd" );
    Populating  element PRO_E_REMOVE_MATERIAL

  C_PRINT( " *** Processing Element PRO_E_REMOVE_MATERIAL *** " );
  status = ProElementAlloc ( PRO_E_REMOVE_MATERIAL, &pro_e_remove_material );
  C_LOG( " ProElementAlloc " );
  status = ProElementIntegerSet(pro_e_remove_material,PRO_EXT_MATERIAL_REMOVE);
  C_LOG( " ProElementIntegerSet" );
  status = ProElemtreeElementAdd ( pro_e_feature_tree, NULL, pro_e_remove_material );
  C_LOG( " ProElemtreeElementAdd" );
    Populating  element PRO_E_FEAT_FORM_IS_THIN

  C_PRINT( " *** Processing Element PRO_E_FEAT_FORM_IS_THIN *** " );
  status = ProElementAlloc ( PRO_E_FEAT_FORM_IS_THIN, &pro_e_feat_form_is_thin );
  C_LOG( " ProElementAlloc " );
  status = ProElementIntegerSet(pro_e_feat_form_is_thin,PRO_EXT_FEAT_FORM_THIN);
  C_LOG( " ProElementIntegerSet" );
  status = ProElemtreeElementAdd ( pro_e_feature_tree, NULL, pro_e_feat_form_is_thin );
  C_LOG( " ProElemtreeElementAdd" );

    Populating  element PRO_E_THICKNESS (thin only)

  C_PRINT( " *** Processing Element PRO_E_THICKNESS *** " );
  status = ProElementAlloc ( PRO_E_THICKNESS, &pro_e_thickness );
  C_LOG( " ProElementAlloc " );
  status = ProElementDecimalsSet( pro_e_thickness,4 );
  status = ProElementDoubleSet(pro_e_thickness,1);
  C_LOG( " ProElementDoubleSet" );
  status = ProElemtreeElementAdd ( pro_e_feature_tree, NULL, pro_e_thickness );
  C_LOG( " ProElemtreeElementAdd" );
    Populating  compound element PRO_E_STD_EXT_DEPTH
  C_PRINT( " *** Processing Element PRO_E_STD_EXT_DEPTH *** " );
  status = ProElementAlloc ( PRO_E_STD_EXT_DEPTH, &pro_e_std_ext_depth );
  C_LOG( " ProElementAlloc" );
  status = ProElemtreeElementAdd ( pro_e_feature_tree, NULL, pro_e_std_ext_depth  );
  C_LOG( " ProElemtreeElementAdd" );

    Populating  element PRO_E_STD_EXT_DEPTH
  C_PRINT( " *** Processing Element PRO_E_EXT_DEPTH_FROM *** " );
  status = ProElementAlloc ( PRO_E_EXT_DEPTH_FROM, &pro_e_ext_depth_from );
  C_LOG( " ProElementAlloc" );
  status = ProElemtreeElementAdd ( pro_e_std_ext_depth, NULL, pro_e_ext_depth_from  );
  C_LOG( " ProElemtreeElementAdd" );

    Populating  element PRO_E_STD_EXT_DEPTH
  C_PRINT( " *** Processing Element PRO_E_EXT_DEPTH_FROM_TYPE *** " );
  status = ProElementAlloc ( PRO_E_EXT_DEPTH_FROM_TYPE, &pro_e_ext_depth_from_type );
  C_LOG( " ProElementAlloc " );
  status = ProElementIntegerSet(pro_e_ext_depth_from_type,PRO_EXT_DEPTH_FROM_REF);
  C_LOG( " ProElementIntegerSet" );
  status = ProElemtreeElementAdd ( pro_e_ext_depth_from, NULL, pro_e_ext_depth_from_type );
  C_LOG( " ProElemtreeElementAdd" );

    Populating  element PRO_E_STD_EXT_DEPTH
  C_PRINT( " *** Processing Element PRO_E_EXT_DEPTH_FROM_REF *** " );
  status = ProElementAlloc ( PRO_E_EXT_DEPTH_FROM_REF, &pro_e_ext_depth_from_ref );
  C_LOG( " ProElementAlloc " );
  value_data.type = PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION;

                                PRO_POINT, PRO_EDGE_START, PRO_EDGE_END, 
                                PRO_CRV_START, PRO_CRV_END */

  UserUtilItemSelect ("surface,sldface,qltface,datum,axis,edge,curve,edge_end,curve_end", 
	"USER Select reference.", &from_ref_id, ( ProType * )&from_ref_type);

  status = ProModelitemInit ( model, from_ref_id, from_ref_type, &from_ref_item);
  C_LOG ( " ProModelitemInit" );

  status = ProSelectionAlloc (NULL, &from_ref_item, &selection);
  C_LOG ( " ProSelectionAlloc" );

  status = ProSelectionToReference( selection,&REPDEP_ref3 );
  status = ProElementReferenceSet(pro_e_ext_depth_from_ref,REPDEP_ref3);
  C_LOG( " ProElementReferenceSet" );
  status = ProElemtreeElementAdd ( pro_e_ext_depth_from, NULL, pro_e_ext_depth_from_ref );
  C_LOG( " ProElemtreeElementAdd" );

    Populating  element PRO_E_STD_EXT_DEPTH
  C_PRINT( " *** Processing Element PRO_E_EXT_DEPTH_TO *** " );
  status = ProElementAlloc ( PRO_E_EXT_DEPTH_TO, &pro_e_ext_depth_to );
  C_LOG( " ProElementAlloc" );
  status = ProElemtreeElementAdd ( pro_e_std_ext_depth, NULL, pro_e_ext_depth_to  );
  C_LOG( " ProElemtreeElementAdd" );
    Populating  element PRO_E_STD_EXT_DEPTH
  C_PRINT( " *** Processing Element PRO_E_EXT_DEPTH_TO_TYPE *** " );
  status = ProElementAlloc ( PRO_E_EXT_DEPTH_TO_TYPE, &pro_e_ext_depth_to_type );
  C_LOG( " ProElementAlloc " );
  status = ProElementIntegerSet(pro_e_ext_depth_to_type,PRO_EXT_DEPTH_TO_REF);
  C_LOG( " ProElementIntegerSet" );
  status = ProElemtreeElementAdd ( pro_e_ext_depth_to, NULL, pro_e_ext_depth_to_type );
  C_LOG( " ProElemtreeElementAdd" );

    Populating  element PRO_E_STD_EXT_DEPTH
  C_PRINT( " *** Processing Element PRO_E_EXT_DEPTH_TO_REF *** " );
  status = ProElementAlloc ( PRO_E_EXT_DEPTH_TO_REF, &pro_e_ext_depth_to_ref );
  C_LOG( " ProElementAlloc " );
  value_data.type = PRO_VALUE_TYPE_SELECTION;

                                PRO_POINT, PRO_EDGE_START, PRO_EDGE_END, 
                                PRO_CRV_START, PRO_CRV_END */

  UserUtilItemSelect ("surf,datum,axis,edge,curve,edge_end,curve_end", 
	"USER Select reference.", &to_ref_id, ( ProType *) &to_ref_type);

  status = ProModelitemInit ( model, to_ref_id, to_ref_type, &to_ref_item);
  C_LOG ( " ProModelitemInit" );

  status = ProSelectionAlloc (NULL, &to_ref_item, &selection);
  C_LOG ( " ProSelectionAlloc" );

  status = ProSelectionToReference(selection,&REPDEP_ref4 );
  status = ProElementReferenceSet(pro_e_ext_depth_to_ref,REPDEP_ref4);
  C_LOG( " ProElementReferenceSet" );
  status = ProElemtreeElementAdd ( pro_e_ext_depth_to, NULL, pro_e_ext_depth_to_ref );
  C_LOG( " ProElemtreeElementAdd" );

    Populating  element PRO_E_STD_SECTION

  C_PRINT( " *** Processing Element PRO_E_STD_SECTION *** " );
  status = ProElementAlloc ( PRO_E_STD_SECTION, &pro_e_std_section );
  C_LOG( " ProElementAlloc" );
  status = ProElemtreeElementAdd ( pro_e_feature_tree, NULL, 
		pro_e_std_section  );
  C_LOG( " ProElemtreeElementAdd" );

    Populating element PRO_E_STD_SECTION 
  C_PRINT( " *** Processing Element PRO_E_STD_SEC_SETUP_PLANE *** " );
  status = ProElementAlloc ( PRO_E_STD_SEC_SETUP_PLANE, 
		&pro_e_std_sec_setup_plane );
  C_LOG( " ProElementAlloc" );
  status = ProElemtreeElementAdd ( pro_e_std_section, NULL, 
		pro_e_std_sec_setup_plane  );
  C_LOG( " ProElemtreeElementAdd" );
  sketch_refs = ( ProSelection *) calloc ( 2, sizeof ( ProSelection ));

    Populating element PRO_E_STD_SECTION 
  C_PRINT( " *** Processing Element PRO_E_STD_SEC_PLANE *** " );
  status = ProMessageDisplay ( message_file, "Select Surface for sketch placement");
  C_LOG( " ProMessageDisplay"  );
  ProTKPrintf ( "Please select datum,surface,sldface,qltface_ID_5 type of Modelitem\n");
  status = ProSelect ( "datum,surface,sldface,qltface", 1, NULL, NULL, 
		NULL, NULL, &p_select, &n_select );
  C_LOG( " ProSelect" );
  if ( n_select <= 0 ) return -1; 
      status = ProSelectionCopy( p_select[0], &sketch_refs[0]);
      C_LOG (" ProSelectionCopy ");
  status = ProElementAlloc ( PRO_E_STD_SEC_PLANE, &pro_e_std_sec_plane );
  C_LOG( " ProElementAlloc " );
  status = ProSelectionToReference( p_select[0],&REPDEP_ref1 );
  status = ProElementReferenceSet(pro_e_std_sec_plane,REPDEP_ref1);
  C_LOG( " ProElementReferenceSet" );
  status = ProElemtreeElementAdd ( pro_e_std_sec_setup_plane, NULL, 
		pro_e_std_sec_plane );
  C_LOG( " ProElemtreeElementAdd" );
    Populating element PRO_E_STD_SECTION 
  C_PRINT( " *** Processing Element PRO_E_STD_SEC_PLANE_VIEW_DIR *** " );
  status = ProElementAlloc ( PRO_E_STD_SEC_PLANE_VIEW_DIR, 
		&pro_e_std_sec_plane_view_dir );
  C_LOG( " ProElementAlloc " );
  status = ProElementIntegerSet(pro_e_std_sec_plane_view_dir,PRO_SEC_VIEW_DIR_SIDE_ONE);
  C_LOG( " ProElementIntegerSet" );
  status = ProElemtreeElementAdd ( pro_e_std_sec_setup_plane, NULL, 
		pro_e_std_sec_plane_view_dir );
  C_LOG( " ProElemtreeElementAdd" );
    Populating element PRO_E_STD_SECTION 
  C_PRINT( " *** Processing Element PRO_E_STD_SEC_PLANE_ORIENT_DIR *** " );
  status = ProElementAlloc ( PRO_E_STD_SEC_PLANE_ORIENT_DIR, 
		&pro_e_std_sec_plane_orient_dir );
  C_LOG( " ProElementAlloc " );

   status = ProElementIntegerSet ( pro_e_std_sec_plane_orient_dir, PRO_SEC_ORIENT_DIR_UP );
  C_LOG( " ProElementIntegerSet" );
  status = ProElemtreeElementAdd ( pro_e_std_sec_setup_plane, NULL, 
		pro_e_std_sec_plane_orient_dir );
  C_LOG( " ProElemtreeElementAdd" );

    Populating element PRO_E_STD_SECTION 
  C_PRINT( " *** Processing Element PRO_E_STD_SEC_PLANE_ORIENT_REF *** " );
  status = ProMessageDisplay ( message_file, 
		"Select Surface for sketch orientation");
  C_LOG( " ProMessageDisplay"  );
  ProTKPrintf ( "Select datum,surface,sldface,qltface_ID_5 type of Modelitem\n");
  status = ProSelect ( "datum,surface,sldface,qltface", 1, NULL, 
		NULL, NULL, NULL, &p_select, &n_select );
  C_LOG( " ProSelect" );
  if ( n_select <= 0 ) return -1; 
      status = ProSelectionCopy( p_select[0], &sketch_refs[1]);
      C_LOG (" ProSelectionCopy ");
  status = ProElementAlloc ( PRO_E_STD_SEC_PLANE_ORIENT_REF, 
		&pro_e_std_sec_plane_orient_ref );
  C_LOG( " ProElementAlloc " );
  status = ProSelectionToReference( p_select[0],&REPDEP_ref2 );
  status = ProElementReferenceSet(pro_e_std_sec_plane_orient_ref,REPDEP_ref2);
  C_LOG( " ProElementReferenceSet" );
  status = ProElemtreeElementAdd ( pro_e_std_sec_setup_plane, NULL, 
		pro_e_std_sec_plane_orient_ref );
  C_LOG( " ProElemtreeElementAdd" );

    Creating incomplete feature in the current model.
  status = ProMdlToModelitem( model, &model_item ); 
  status = ProSelectionAlloc (p_comp_path, &model_item,

  status = ProArrayAlloc(1,sizeof(ProFeatureCreateOptions),
    1, (ProArray*)&opts);


  status = ProFeatureWithoptionsCreate (model_sel, pro_e_feature_tree,
    opts, PRO_REGEN_NO_FLAGS, &feature, &errors);
  C_LOG (" ProFeatureWithoptionsCreate"); 

  status = ProArrayFree((ProArray*)&opts);
  /* Using the element tree from created feature */ 
  status = ProFeatureElemtreeExtract (&feature, NULL, PRO_FEAT_EXTRACT_NO_OPTS,
  C_LOG ("ProFeatureElemtreeExtract()");

    Getting the initialized section element from the database.
  /* path to PRO_E_SKETCHER element */ 
  path_items[0].type = PRO_ELEM_PATH_ITEM_TYPE_ID;
  path_items[0].path_item.elem_id = PRO_E_STD_SECTION;
  path_items[1].type = PRO_ELEM_PATH_ITEM_TYPE_ID;
  path_items[1].path_item.elem_id = PRO_E_SKETCHER;
  status = ProElempathAlloc (&path);
  status = ProElempathDataSet (path, path_items, 2);
  status = ProElemtreeElementGet ( created_elemtree, path, &sketch_element);
  C_LOG (" ProElemtreeElementGet PRO_E_SKETCHER "); 
  status = ProElementSpecialvalueGet(sketch_element, NULL, (ProAppData *) &section);
  C_LOG (" ProElementSpecialvalueGet PRO_E_SKETCHER ");
   Creating a 3-D section 
  status = UserSectionBuild (( ProSection )(section), 
			   sketch_refs ); 
  C_LOG ("UserSectionBuild"); 

  ProElempathFree (&path);

    Populating  element PRO_E_STD_MATRLSIDE (must be done once section is set)
  C_PRINT( " *** Processing Element PRO_E_STD_MATRLSIDE *** " );
  path_items[0].type = PRO_ELEM_PATH_ITEM_TYPE_ID;
  path_items[0].path_item.elem_id = PRO_E_STD_MATRLSIDE;
  status = ProElempathAlloc (&path);
  status = ProElempathDataSet (path, path_items, 1);
  status = ProElemtreeElementGet ( created_elemtree, path, &pro_e_std_matrlside);
  C_LOG (" ProElemtreeElementGet PRO_E_SKETCHER "); 
  status = ProElementIntegerSet ( pro_e_std_matrlside, PRO_EXT_MATERIAL_BOTH_SIDES );
  C_LOG( " ProElementIntegerSet" );
  ProElempathFree (&path);

    Populating  element PRO_E_STD_DIRECTION (must be done once section is set)
  C_PRINT( " *** Processing Element PRO_E_STD_DIRECTION *** " );
  path_items[0].type = PRO_ELEM_PATH_ITEM_TYPE_ID;
  path_items[0].path_item.elem_id = PRO_E_STD_DIRECTION;
  status = ProElempathAlloc (&path);
  status = ProElempathDataSet (path, path_items, 1);
  status = ProElemtreeElementGet ( created_elemtree, path, &pro_e_std_direction);
  C_LOG (" ProElemtreeElementGet PRO_E_SKETCHER "); 
  status = ProElementIntegerSet ( pro_e_std_direction, PRO_EXT_CR_IN_SIDE_ONE );
  C_LOG( " ProElementIntegerSet" );
  ProElempathFree (&path);
   Redefining the feature to make it complete.

  status = ProSelectionAsmcomppathGet (model_sel, &comp_path);
  C_LOG (" ProSelectionAsmcomppathGet"); 
  status = ProArrayAlloc(1,sizeof(ProFeatureCreateOptions),
    1, (ProArray*)&opts);


  status = ProFeatureWithoptionsRedefine (&comp_path, &feature, created_elemtree,
    opts, PRO_REGEN_NO_FLAGS, &errors);
  C_LOG (" ProFeatureWithoptionsRedefine"); 

  status = ProArrayFree((ProArray*)&opts);

    Free up the allocated memory.
  status = ProFeatureElemtreeFree (&feature, created_elemtree ); 
  C_LOG (" ProFeatureElemtreeFree"); 
  status = ProElementFree (&pro_e_feature_tree ); 
  C_LOG (" ProElementFree"); 

  return (status);

#undef C_LOG
#undef C_PRINT