	Copyright (c) 2024 PTC Inc. and/or Its Subsidiary Companies. All Rights Reserved.

Pro/TOOLKIT includes
#include <ProToolkit.h>
#include <ProObjects.h>
#include <ProSurface.h>
#include <ProFeature.h>
#include <ProFeatType.h>
#include <ProSelection.h>
#include <ProSolid.h>
#include <ProAsmcomp.h>
#include <ProEdge.h>
#include <ProAxis.h>
#include <ProCsys.h>
#include <ProCurve.h>
#include <ProPoint.h>
#include <ProGeomitem.h>
#include <ProNcseq.h>
#include <UtilString.h>
Application includes
#include "TestError.h"
#include "UtilMath.h"
#include "UtilVisit.h"
#include "UtilCollect.h"
#include "UtilTypes.h"

Application data

int multiCadCopy_count = 1;
typedef struct 
    ProAppData  app_data;       /* The caller's app_data */
    ProFunction action;         /* The caller's action function */
} AsmComp_data_t ;

    We need our own app_data to pass to ProUtilAsmCompVisit() which
    contains both the app_data and the action function pointer input to
    this function, plus our own context data so that OUR action function
    has all it needs to call the user's action function.

typedef ProError (*ProTestAsmTravAction) (ProAsmcomppath*, ProAppData);

typedef struct 
    ProAppData     app_data;	/* The caller's app_data */
    ProTestAsmTravAction    action;	/* The caller's action function */
    ProAsmcomppath comp_path;	/* The current component path */
} AsmTrav_data_t ;

    FUNCTION :	ProUtilAsmcompVisit()
    PURPOSE  :	Visit function for components of an assembly
ProError ProUtilAsmcompVisit(
    ProAssembly assembly,
    ProFunction action,
    ProAppData  app_data )
    ProError status;

    Visit all the features, using a filter to see only assembly components
    status = ProSolidFeatVisit(assembly, (ProFeatureVisitAction)action,
		(ProFeatureFilterAction)ProUtilAsmcompFilterAction, app_data);
    TEST_CALL_REPORT("ProSolidFeatVisit()", "ProUtilAsmcompVisit()",
                                status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);

    FUNCTION :	ProUtilFeatvisVisit()
    PURPOSE  :	Visit function for visible features
ProError ProUtilFeatvisVisit(
    ProSolid	solid,
    ProFunction action,
    ProAppData  app_data )
    ProError status;

    Visit all the features, using a filter to see only assembly components
    status = ProSolidFeatVisit(solid, (ProFeatureVisitAction)action,
				(ProFeatureFilterAction)ProUtilFeatvisFilterAction, app_data);
    TEST_CALL_REPORT("ProSolidFeatVisit()", "ProUtilFeatvisVisit()",
                                status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);

    FUNCTION :	ProUtilGeomitemactiveVisit()
    PURPOSE  :	Visit function for active geomitems
ProError ProUtilGeomitemactiveVisit( 
    ProFeature *p_feature,
    ProType item_type,
    ProFunction action,
    ProAppData  app_data)
    ProError status;

    Visit all the features, using a filter to see only assembly components
    status = ProFeatureGeomitemVisit(p_feature, item_type,
	     (ProGeomitemFilter)ProUtilGeomitemactiveFilterAction, app_data);
        status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);
    return status; 

    FUNCTION :	ProUtilAsmTravAction()
    PURPOSE  :	Action function to be called for features inside
		ProUtilAsmTraverse() to recursively visit features which
		are assemblt components.
ProError ProUtilAsmTravAction(
    ProFeature *component,
    ProError instatus,
    ProAppData app_data )
    ProError status;
    ProSolid model;
    AsmTrav_data_t *asm_data = (AsmTrav_data_t*)app_data;
    ProMdlType model_type;

    Increment the component path
    asm_data->comp_path.comp_id_table[asm_data->comp_path.table_num++] =
    asm_data->comp_path.comp_id_table[asm_data->comp_path.table_num] = -1;
    Get the ProMdl for this assembly component
    status = ProAsmcompMdlGet(component, (ProMdl *) &model);
    TEST_CALL_REPORT("ProAsmcompMdlGet()", "ProUtilAsmTravAction()",
                                status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);

    Call the action function for this component, with the user's app_data
    status = (*asm_data->action)
        (&asm_data->comp_path, asm_data->app_data);

    If the model is an assembly, visit its components recursively

    ProMdlTypeGet(model, &model_type);
    TEST_CALL_REPORT("ProMdlTypeGet()", "ProUtilAsmTravAction()",
                                status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);

    if(model_type == PRO_MDL_ASSEMBLY)

    Decrement the component path
    asm_data->comp_path.comp_id_table[asm_data->comp_path.table_num--] = -1;


    FUNCTION :	ProUtilAsmTraverse()
    PURPOSE  :	Visit function for components of an assembly at ALL levels
ProError ProUtilAsmTraverse(
    ProAssembly assembly,
    ProFunction action,
    ProAppData app_data)
    ProError status;
    AsmTrav_data_t asm_data;
    ProIdTable comp_id_table;

    Initialize our asm_data
    asm_data.app_data = app_data;
    asm_data.action = (ProTestAsmTravAction)action;
    comp_id_table[0] = -1;
    status = ProAsmcomppathInit(assembly, comp_id_table, 0, 
    TEST_CALL_REPORT("ProAsmcomppathInit()", "ProUtilAsmTraverse()",
				status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);

    Visit the components are this level
    ProUtilAsmcompVisit(assembly, (ProFunction)ProUtilAsmTravAction,


    FUNCTION :  ProUtilAsmFeatsTraverse()
    PURPOSE  :  Visit function for features of an assembly at *ALL* levels
ProError ProUtilAsmFeatsTraverse(
    ProAssembly assembly,
    ProFunction action,
    ProAppData app_data)
    ProError status;
    AsmTrav_data_t asm_data;
    ProIdTable comp_id_table;
    Initialize our asm_data
    asm_data.app_data = app_data;
    asm_data.action = (ProTestAsmTravAction) action;
    comp_id_table[0] = -1;
    status = ProAsmcomppathInit(assembly, comp_id_table, 0,
    TEST_CALL_REPORT("ProAsmcomppathInit()", "ProUtilAsmTraverse()",
                                status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);
    Visit the components are this level
    ProUtilAsmcompVisit(assembly, (ProFunction) ProUtilAsmTravAction,

    FUNCTION :	ProUtilAsmcompFilterAction()
    PURPOSE  :	A filter used by ProUtilAsmCompVisit() to visit
		features which are assembly components
ProError ProUtilAsmcompFilterAction(
    ProFeature *feature,
    ProAppData app_data)
    ProError status;
    ProFeattype ftype;

    Get the feature type
    status = ProFeatureTypeGet(feature, &ftype);

    If the feature is an assembly component,
	return NO ERROR,
	return CONTINUE
    if(ftype == PRO_FEAT_COMPONENT)

    Function:	ProUtilFeatvisFilterAction()
    Purpose:	Filter function for ProSolidFeatVisit, allow to visit only 
		visible features
    Returns:	PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - feature visible
		PRO_TK_CONTINUE - otherwise
ProError ProUtilFeatvisFilterAction(
    ProFeature *p_feature,	/* In : the feature */
    ProAppData app_data)	/* In : appdata (not used) */
    ProError status;
    ProBoolean visible;

    status = ProFeatureVisibilityGet(p_feature, &visible);
				    status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);
    if (status == PRO_TK_NO_ERROR)
	status = (visible == PRO_B_TRUE ? PRO_TK_NO_ERROR : PRO_TK_CONTINUE);

    return (status);

    Function:	ProUtilByNameFilterAction()
    Purpose:	Allow to visit only modelitem with a specified name
    Returns:	PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - success;
		PRO_TK_CONTINUE - no valid modelitem found
ProError ProUtilByNameFilterAction(
    ProModelitem *p_modelitem,	    /* In : The modelitem */
    FindByName   *p_findbyname)	    /* In : The find structure */
    ProName  name;
    ProError status;

    status = ProModelitemNameGet(p_modelitem, name);
	    status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR && status != PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND);
    if (status == PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) 
	if (ProUtilWstrCmp(p_findbyname->name, name)==0)
	    status = PRO_TK_NO_ERROR;
	    status = PRO_TK_CONTINUE;
    else if (status == PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND)
	status = PRO_TK_CONTINUE;

    return (status);

    Function:	ProUtilFeatvisByNameFilterAction()
    Purpose:	Allow to visit only visible features with a specified name
    Returns:	PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - success;
		PRO_TK_CONTINUE - no valid feature found found
ProError ProUtilFeatvisByNameFilterAction(
    ProFeature   *p_feature,	    /* In : The feature */
    FindByName   *p_findbyname)	    /* In : The find structure */
    ProError  status;

    status = ProUtilFeatvisFilterAction(p_feature, NULL);
    if (status == PRO_TK_NO_ERROR)
	status = ProUtilByNameFilterAction((ProModelitem*)p_feature, 
    return (status);

    Function:	ProUtilGeomitemactiveFilterAction()
    Purpose:	Filter function for ProFeatureGeomitemVisit, allow to visit 
		only active geomitems
    Returns:	PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - feature visible
		PRO_TK_CONTINUE - otherwise
ProError ProUtilGeomitemactiveFilterAction(
    ProGeomitem *p_geomitem,	/* In : the geomitem */
    ProAppData app_data)	/* In : appdata (not used) */
    ProBoolean test;
    ProError status;

    TEST_CALL_REPORT( "ProGeomitemFilter", "ProUtilGeomitemactiveFilterAction",
    status = ProGeomitemIsInactive(p_geomitem, &test);
        status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);
    return (test != PRO_B_TRUE ? PRO_TK_NO_ERROR : PRO_TK_CONTINUE);

    Function:   ProUtilAxisByVectorFilterAction()
    Purpose:    Allow to visit only axis which parallel (perpendicular)
                to a vector
    Returns:    PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - success;
                PRO_TK_CONTINUE - no valid axis found
ProError ProUtilAxisByVectorFilterAction(
    ProAxis axis,                               /* In : The Axis */
    CollectAxisByVector *p_find_by_vector)      /* In : find data */
    ProGeomitemdata  *p_gi_data;
    Pro3dPnt         vec;
    double           dot;
    ProError         status = PRO_TK_CONTINUE;

    TEST_CALL_REPORT( "ProAxisFilterAction", "ProUtilAxisByVectorFilterAction",

    status = ProAxisDataGet(axis, &p_gi_data);
    TEST_CALL_REPORT("ProAxisDataGet()", "ProUtilAxisByVectorFilterAction()",
                                    status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);
                      p_gi_data->data.p_curve_data->line.end1, vec);
    status = ProGeomitemdataFree(&p_gi_data);
        "ProUtilAxisByVectorFilterAction()", status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);
    ProUtilVectorNormalize(vec, vec);
    dot = fabs(ProUtilVectorDot(vec, p_find_by_vector->vec));
    if ((p_find_by_vector->option==USER_PARALLEL && 1-dot<EPSM6) ||
         (p_find_by_vector->option==USER_PERPENDICULAR && dot<EPSM6))
         status = PRO_TK_NO_ERROR;
         status = PRO_TK_CONTINUE;
    return (status);

    Function:	ProUtilCollectDtmCurveFeatFilter()
    Purpose:	Allow to visit only dtm curve features
    Returns:	PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - success;
		PRO_TK_CONTINUE - no valid feature found found
ProError ProUtilCollectDtmCurveFeatFilter(
    ProFeature   *p_feature,	    /* In : The feature */
    ProAppData   app_data)	    /* In : The find structure */
    ProError  status;
    ProFeattype ftype;
    TEST_CALL_REPORT( "ProFeatureFilterAction", 

    status = ProFeatureTypeGet(p_feature, &ftype);
    TEST_CALL_REPORT("ProFeatureTypeGet()", "ProUtilCollectDtmCurveFeatFilter()",
			    status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);


    FUNCTION :	ProUtilCollectDtmPointFeatFilter()
    PURPOSE  :	A filter used to visit only Datum Points features
ProError ProUtilCollectDtmPointFeatFilter(
    ProFeature *feature,
    ProAppData app_data)
    ProError status;
    ProFeattype ftype;

    Get the feature type
    status = ProFeatureTypeGet(feature, &ftype);

    If the feature is Datum Point,
	return NO ERROR,
	return CONTINUE
    if(ftype == PRO_FEAT_DATUM_POINT)

    Function:	ProUtilCollectDtmCurveFeatFilter()
    Purpose:	Allow to visit only dtm curve features
    Returns:	PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - success;
		PRO_TK_CONTINUE - no valid feature found found
ProError ProUtilCollectNCSeqFeatFilter(
    ProFeature   *p_feat,	    /* In : The feature */
    ProAppData   tmp_p_nc_seq)	    /* In : The find structure */
    ProError status;
    ProBoolean is_nc_seq;
    TEST_CALL_REPORT( "ProFeatureFilterAction", "ProUtilCollectNCSeqFeatFilter",

    status = ProFeatureIsNcseq(p_feat, &is_nc_seq);
                        "ProTestFeatFilterNcseq()", status,
                        (status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR));

    return (is_nc_seq == PRO_B_TRUE? PRO_TK_NO_ERROR : PRO_TK_CONTINUE);


    Function:	ProUtilGeomitemByNameFilterAction()
    Purpose:	Allow to visit only geomitem with a specified name
    Returns:	PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - success;
		PRO_TK_CONTINUE - no valid modelitem found
ProError ProUtilGeomitemByNameFilterAction(
    ProAppData geomitem,	    /* In : The geomitem */
    FindByName   *p_findbyname)	    /* In : The find structure */
    ProName  name;
    ProError status;
    ProModelitem modelitem = p_findbyname->p_modelitem[0];

    switch (modelitem.type)
	case PRO_CSYS:
	    status = ProCsysToGeomitem((ProSolid)modelitem.owner, 
		(ProCsys)geomitem, &modelitem);
		status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);
	case PRO_AXIS:
	    status = ProAxisToGeomitem((ProSolid)modelitem.owner, 
		(ProAxis)geomitem, &modelitem);
		status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);
	    status = ProSurfaceToGeomitem((ProSolid)modelitem.owner, 
		(ProSurface)geomitem, &modelitem);
		status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);
	    status = PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR;
    if (status == PRO_TK_NO_ERROR)
	status = ProModelitemNameGet(&modelitem, name);
		"ProUtilGeomitemByNameFilterAction()", status,
		status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR && status != PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND);
    if (status == PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) 
	if (ProUtilWstrCmp(p_findbyname->name, name)==0)
	    status = PRO_TK_NO_ERROR;
	    status = PRO_TK_CONTINUE;
    else if (status == PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND)
	status = PRO_TK_CONTINUE;

    return (status);

    FUNCTION : ProUtilMultiCADFileInfoWrite	
    PURPOSE  : Writes model info in file
ProError ProUtilMultiCADFileInfoWrite(ProMdl model, FILE *MultiCADInfo_fp)
	ProError   status;
 	ProMdlType modelType;
	char       c_buff[PRO_PATH_SIZE], mdl_cext[PRO_MDLEXTENSION_SIZE];
	char       mdl_cname[PRO_PATH_SIZE];
	ProMdlType mdl_type;
	ProMdlName mdl_name, newName;
	ProMdl     newMdl;
	ProPath    mdl_path;
	ProMdlExtension mdl_ext;
	ProMdlfileType  fileType;

	/* ProMdlDataGet() is deprecated in creo3, use following functions to get model info. */
    /* Gets Multi-CAD file type */
	status = ProMdlMdlnameGet(model, mdl_name);
	TEST_CALL_REPORT( "ProMdlMdlnameGet()", "ProUtilMultiCADFileInfoWrite()", 
			status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);

	ProWstringToString(mdl_cname, mdl_name);
	ProTKFprintf (MultiCADInfo_fp,"      ++ Model name: %s \n", mdl_cname);

    /* Gets creo file type */
	status = ProMdlTypeGet(model,  &mdl_type);
	TEST_CALL_REPORT( "ProMdlTypeGet()", "ProUtilMultiCADFileInfoWrite()", 
			status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);

	status = (ProError) ProUtilObjtypeStr((ProType)mdl_type, c_buff);
	TEST_CALL_REPORT( "ProUtilObjtypeStr()", "ProUtilMultiCADFileInfoWrite()", 
			status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);

	ProTKFprintf (MultiCADInfo_fp,"      ++ Model Type: %s \n", c_buff);

    /* Gets path of input model */
	status = ProMdlDirectoryPathGet(model, mdl_path);
	TEST_CALL_REPORT( "ProMdlDirectoryPathGet()", "ProUtilMultiCADFileInfoWrite()", 
			status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);
	ProWstringToString(c_buff, mdl_path);
	ProTKFprintf (MultiCADInfo_fp,"      ++ Model path: %s \n", c_buff);

	/* Gets Multi-CAD file extention */ 
	status = ProMdlExtensionGet(model, mdl_ext);
	TEST_CALL_REPORT( "ProMdlExtensionGet()", "ProUtilMultiCADFileInfoWrite()", 
			status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);

	ProWstringToString(mdl_cext, mdl_ext);
	ProTKFprintf (MultiCADInfo_fp,"      ++ Model extention: %s \n", mdl_cext);

    /* Gets Multi-CAD file type */
	status = ProMdlFiletypeGet (model, (ProMdlfileType*) &fileType);
	TEST_CALL_REPORT("ProMdlFiletypeGet()", "ProUtilMultiCADFileInfoWrite()", 
			status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);
	status = (ProError)ProUtilMdlfileTypeStr(fileType, c_buff);
	TEST_CALL_REPORT( "ProUtilMdlfileTypeStr()", "ProUtilMultiCADFileInfoWrite()", 
			status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);

	ProTKFprintf (MultiCADInfo_fp,"      ++ Model File Type: %s \n", c_buff);

	/* In Creo3 ProMdlnameCopy() is not different from ProMdlCopy() and    
	   is added to provide consistency in future releases when it will  
	   be expanded to support MULTI-CAD assemblies. */
	ProTKSprintf (c_buff,"new_name%d", multiCadCopy_count);
	ProStringToWstring (newName, c_buff);
	status = ProMdlnameCopy(model, newName, &newMdl);
	TEST_CALL_REPORT( "ProMdlnameCopy()", "ProMultiCADFileInfo()", 
			status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR && status != PRO_TK_UNSUPPORTED);
	if(status == PRO_TK_UNSUPPORTED)
		ProTKFprintf (MultiCADInfo_fp,
			     "      ++ ProMdlnameCopy is not supported for this file \n");
	ProTKFprintf (MultiCADInfo_fp,"\n");

	return (PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);

    FUNCTION : ProUtilMultiCADFilterAction	
    PURPOSE  : Filters PRO_FEAT_COMPONENT for ProSolidFeatVisit

ProError ProUtilMultiCADFilterAction(ProFeature *feature, ProAppData info_file)
  ProError    status;
  ProFeattype ftype;

  status = ProFeatureTypeGet(feature, &ftype);
  TEST_CALL_REPORT( "ProFeatureTypeGet()", "ProUtilMultiCADFilterAction()", 
		status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);

  if(ftype == PRO_FEAT_COMPONENT)


    FUNCTION : ProUtilMultiCADVisitAction	
    PURPOSE  : Action function for ProSolidFeatVisit
ProError ProUtilMultiCADVisitAction(ProFeature *feat, 
									ProError visit_status, ProAppData appdata)
	ProError   status;
 	ProMdl     model;
 	ProMdlType mdl_type;
	char       mdl_cname[PRO_MDLNAME_SIZE], c_buff[PRO_MDLNAME_SIZE];
	ProMdlfileType   comp_type;
	ProFamilyMdlName comp_name;
	FILE  *MultiCADInfo_fp = (FILE *) appdata;

	if (visit_status == PRO_TK_NO_ERROR)
        /* Gets Multi-CAD components name and type */
		status = ProAsmcompMdlMdlnameGet((ProAsmcomp *)feat, &comp_type, comp_name);
		TEST_CALL_REPORT ( "ProAsmcompMdlMdlnameGet()", "ProUtilMultiCADVisitAction()", 
			                status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR );

		ProWstringToString(mdl_cname, comp_name);
		ProTKFprintf (MultiCADInfo_fp,"    ++ Component name: %s \n", mdl_cname);

		status = (ProError)ProUtilMdlfileTypeStr(comp_type, c_buff);
		TEST_CALL_REPORT( "ProUtilMdlfileTypeStr()", "ProUtilMultiCADVisitAction()", 
					       status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);
		ProTKFprintf (MultiCADInfo_fp,"    ++ Component type: %s \n", c_buff);

		status = ProAsmcompMdlGet((ProAsmcomp *)feat, (ProMdl *) &model);
		TEST_CALL_REPORT("ProAsmcompMdlGet", "ProUtilMultiCADVisitAction()", status, 
			              status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR && status != PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND);

		if(status == PRO_TK_NO_ERROR)
			status = ProUtilMultiCADFileInfoWrite(model, MultiCADInfo_fp);
            /* Gets creo model type */
			status = ProMdlTypeGet(model,  &mdl_type);
			TEST_CALL_REPORT( "ProMdlTypeGet()", "ProUtilMultiCADFileInfoWrite()", 
							   status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);

			if(mdl_type == PRO_MDL_ASSEMBLY)
                /* Visits sub assembly and components */
				status = ProSolidFeatVisit ((ProSolid)model, 
					             "ProUtilMultiCADVisitAction()", status, 
								 status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR );

	return (PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);

    FUNCTION : ProUtilMultiCADFileInfoWrite	
    PURPOSE  : Writes model info in file
ProError ProUtilMultiCADFileInfo(ProMdl model, FILE *MultiCADInfo_fp)
	ProError status;

	status = ProUtilMultiCADFileInfoWrite(model, MultiCADInfo_fp);
	TEST_CALL_REPORT( "ProUtilMultiCADFileInfo()", "ProMultiCADFileInfo()", 
			status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);

	status = ProSolidFeatVisit ((ProSolid)model, (ProFeatureVisitAction)ProUtilMultiCADVisitAction, 
							(ProFeatureFilterAction) ProUtilMultiCADFilterAction, MultiCADInfo_fp);
	TEST_CALL_REPORT("ProSolidFeatVisit()", "ProMultiCADFileInfo()", status, 
						(status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR && status != PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND));

	return (PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);