/* Copyright (c) 2024 PTC Inc. and/or Its Subsidiary Companies. All Rights Reserved. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*\ Pro/TOOLKIT includes \*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <ProToolkit.h> #include <ProObjects.h> #include <ProMdl.h> #include <ProFeature.h> #include <ProTKRunTime.h> #include <PTApplsUnicodeUtils.h> #include <ProUtil.h> /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*\ Application includes \*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "TestError.h" #include "UtilString.h" #include "UtilMessage.h" /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*\ Application global/external data \*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static struct str_to_type { char *str; ProType type; } str_type_table[] = { {(char *)"sec", PRO_2DSECTION}, {(char *)"prt", PRO_PART}, {(char *)"asm", PRO_ASSEMBLY}, {(char *)"drw", PRO_DRAWING}, {(char *)"mfg", PRO_MFG}, {(char *)"lay", PRO_LAYOUT}, {(char *)"frm", PRO_DWGFORM}, {(char *)"rep", PRO_REPORT}, {(char *)"mrk", PRO_MARKUP}, {(char *)"dgm", PRO_DIAGRAM}, {(char *)"???", PRO_TYPE_INVALID} }; /*====================================================================*\ Function : ProUtilGetProType Purpose : looks up the type for a specified string \*====================================================================*/ ProType ProUtilGetProType( char *type_str ) { int table_size; int i; table_size = sizeof(str_type_table)/sizeof(struct str_to_type); for( i = 0; i < table_size - 1; i++ ) { if( !ProUtilStrcmp(type_str, str_type_table[i].str) ) return( str_type_table[i].type ); } return( str_type_table[table_size-1].type ); } /*====================================================================*\ Function : ProUtilGetMdlTypeStr Purpose : looks up the string for a specified type \*====================================================================*/ char *ProUtilGetMdlTypeStr( ProMdlType mdltype ) { int table_size; int i; table_size = sizeof(str_type_table)/sizeof(struct str_to_type); for( i = 0; i < table_size - 1; i++ ) { if( str_type_table[i].type == (ProType)mdltype ) return( str_type_table[i].str ); } return( str_type_table[table_size-1].str ); } char *ProUtilModelnameGet(ProMdl *model, char *name, char *type); /*====================================================================*\ FUNCTION : UserGenFilename PURPOSE : Generate a name for an output file INPUT : p_obj - the model filext - file extension permission - file permission used to open the file OUTPUT : filename - file name used to open the file \*====================================================================*/ FILE *ProUtilGenFilePtr(ProMdl p_obj, char *filext, char *filename, char *permission) { char model_name[PRO_NAME_SIZE]; char type[PRO_EXTENSION_SIZE]; char *error; FILE *fp; char str[PRO_LINE_SIZE]; error = ProUtilModelnameGet(&p_obj, model_name, type); if( error == NULL ) return( NULL ); else ProUtilstrcpy(filename, (const char *)model_name); ProUtilstrcat(filename,(const char *)filext); if( (fp = PTApplsUnicodeFopen(filename, permission)) == NULL ) { ProTKSprintf(str, "Could not open the file '%s'", filename); ProUtilMsgPrint("gen", "USER %0s", str); } return(fp); } /*====================================================================*\ Function : ProUtilConfirmNameType Purpose : Confirm a valid name and type \*====================================================================*/ int ProUtilConfirmNameType(char *input_name, char *name, ProType *type) { char *dot_occur, /* occurrence of a dot in input_name */ *slash_occur, /* occurence of a slash */ type_str[PRO_EXTENSION_SIZE]; int name_length, /* length of a part name */ type_length; /* lenght of a part type */ /*** if there is a full path name, extract the filename first ***/ if((slash_occur = strrchr(input_name, '/')) != NULL) ProUtilstrcpy(input_name, (const char *)&slash_occur[1]); /*** get the position of the dot in a file name ***/ if((dot_occur = strchr(input_name, '.')) != NULL) { /*** extract name ***/ if(( name_length = strlen(input_name) - strlen(dot_occur))>0) { ProUtilstrncpy(name,(const char *)input_name,name_length); name[name_length] = '\0'; } else return( PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS ); /*** extract type ***/ if ((type_length = strlen( &dot_occur[1] ))==3) { ProUtilstrncpy(type_str, (const char *)&dot_occur[1], type_length); type_str[3]='\0'; /* get the mode */ return( (*type = ProUtilGetProType(type_str)) ); } else return( PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS ); } else return( PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS ); } /*============================================================================*\ Function: ProUtilFileOpen Purpose: Select file from disk \*============================================================================*/ ProError ProUtilFileOpen( char *extension, char *file_name) { ProLine w_ext; ProPath *w_path_arr, w_def_path, w_sel_path; ProName *w_path_lab_arr; ProError err; ProStringToWstring(w_def_path, (char *)"."); ProStringToWstring(w_ext, extension); /* No default dirs */ err = ProArrayAlloc(0, sizeof(ProPath), 1, (ProArray*)&w_path_arr); err = ProArrayAlloc(0, sizeof(ProPath), 1, (ProArray*)&w_path_lab_arr); /* Open file */ err = ProFileMdlnameOpen(NULL, w_ext, w_path_arr, w_path_lab_arr, w_def_path, NULL, w_sel_path); TEST_CALL_REPORT("ProFileMdlnameOpen()", "ProUtilFileOpen()", err, err != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR); ProArrayFree((ProArray*)&w_path_arr); ProArrayFree((ProArray*)&w_path_lab_arr); ProWstringToString(file_name, w_sel_path); return(err); }