	Copyright (c) 2024 PTC Inc. and/or Its Subsidiary Companies. All Rights Reserved.

/*---------------------- Pro/Toolkit Includes ------------------------*/
#include <ProToolkit.h>
#include <ProMenu.h>

/*---------------------- Function Prototypes -------------------------*/
ProError ProUserJValueGet();
int ProUserValueSet();
int ProUserJustificationSet();

    Declare the values for the justification options, and for
    Done and Quit.
#define EX9_TOP	0
#define EX9_BOTTOM	1

#define EX9_LEFT	0
#define EX9_RIGHT	1

#define EX9_QUIT	0
#define EX9_DONE	1

    Command-function to close a menu, returning the selected value
ProError ProUserJValueGet(void *dummy, int value)

    Command function to set a given variable with a given value
int ProUserValueSet(int *option, int value)
    *option = value;

    Function to set the vertical and horizontal
    justification options.
int ProUserJustificationSet(int *vert, int *horz)
    int menuId;
    int action;
    ProError status;

    Set the new value to be the old by default
    int new_vert = *vert,
	new_horz = *horz;

    Set up the vertical justification menu
    status = ProMenuFileRegister("vert_just","vert_just.mnu", &menuId);
    status = ProMenubuttonActionSet("vert_just", "Top",
		(ProMenubuttonAction)ProUserValueSet, &new_vert, EX9_TOP);
    status = ProMenubuttonActionSet("vert_just", "Bottom",
		(ProMenubuttonAction)ProUserValueSet, &new_vert, EX9_BOTTOM);
    status = ProMenubuttonActionSet("vert_just", "vert_just",
		(ProMenubuttonAction)ProMenuHold, NULL, 0);
    status = ProMenuCreate(PROMENUTYPE_MAIN,"vert_just", &menuId);
    status = ProMenubuttonHighlight("vert_just",
			(new_vert == EX9_TOP) ? "Top" : "Bottom");

    Set up the horizontal justification menu
    status = ProMenuFileRegister("horz_just","horz_just.mnu", &menuId);
    status = ProMenubuttonActionSet("horz_just", "Left",
		 (ProMenubuttonAction)ProUserValueSet, &new_horz, EX9_LEFT);
    status = ProMenubuttonActionSet("horz_just", "Right",
		 (ProMenubuttonAction)ProUserValueSet, &new_horz, EX9_RIGHT);
    status = ProMenubuttonActionSet("horz_just", "horz_just",
		 (ProMenubuttonAction)ProMenuHold, NULL, 0);
    status = ProMenuCreate(PROMENUTYPE_SUB, "horz_just", &menuId);
    status = ProMenubuttonHighlight("horz_just",
			(new_horz == EX9_LEFT) ? "Left" : "Right");

    Set up the Done/Quit menu
    status = ProMenuFileRegister("done_quit","donequit.mnu", &menuId);
    status = ProMenubuttonActionSet("done_quit", "Done",
        (ProMenubuttonAction)ProUserJValueGet, NULL, EX9_DONE);
    status = ProMenubuttonActionSet("done_quit", "Quit",
        (ProMenubuttonAction)ProUserJValueGet, NULL, EX9_QUIT);
    status = ProMenubuttonActionSet("done_quit", "done_quit",
        (ProMenubuttonAction)ProUserJValueGet, NULL, EX9_QUIT);
    status = ProMenuCreate(PROMENUTYPE_SUB, "done_quit", &menuId);

    If the user selected Done,
	set the values to be the new ones
    if(ProMenuProcess("", &action) == EX9_DONE)
	*vert = new_vert;
	*horz = new_horz;

    Close the other two menus
