	Copyright (c) 2024 PTC Inc. and/or Its Subsidiary Companies. All Rights Reserved.

#include <ProToolkit.h>
#include <ProDtlsyminst.h>

FUNCTION : UsrSymInstCreate() 
PURPOSE  :  Create a symbol with no leaders at a specified location  
int UsrSymInstCreate(
     ProDrawing drawing,
     ProDtlsymdef *definition,
     ProVector pos
     ProDtlsyminstdata sdata;
     ProDtlattach attach;
     ProDtlsyminst syminst;

    Allocate the symbol instance decription 
    ProDtlsyminstdataAlloc(drawing, &sdata);

    Set the definition this is an instance of 
    ProDtlsyminstdataDefSet(sdata, definition);

    Set the attachment type to FREE 
    ProDtlsyminstdataAttachtypeSet(sdata, PROSYMDEFATTACHTYPE_FREE);

    Allocate a FREE attachment and set the position 
    ProDtlattachAlloc(PRO_DTLATTACHTYPE_FREE, NULL, pos, NULL, &attach);
    ProDtlsyminstdataAttachmentSet(sdata, attach);

    Create the symbol and free the description 
    ProDtlsyminstCreate(drawing, sdata, &syminst);

    Display the symbol 

int UsrSymInstCreateWrapper ()
  ProError err;
  ProDrawing drawing;
  ProMdlType mdl_type;
  ProDtlsymdef *symdefs;
  int sheet, ns, s;
  ProVector pos;

  err = ProMdlCurrentGet ((ProMdl*)&drawing);
  if (err != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR)
    return (err);
  err = ProMdlTypeGet ((ProMdl)drawing, &mdl_type);
  if (mdl_type != PRO_MDL_DRAWING)
    return (PRO_TK_INVALID_TYPE);

  ProDrawingDtlsymdefsCollect(drawing, &symdefs);
  ProArraySizeGet(symdefs, &ns);
      pos[0] = 100.0 +  s * 100.0;
      pos[1] = 400.0;
      pos[2] = 0.0;
      UsrSymInstCreate(drawing, &symdefs[s], pos);

  return (PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);