	Copyright (c) 2024 PTC Inc. and/or Its Subsidiary Companies. All Rights Reserved.

Pro/Toolkit includes
#include <ProToolkit.h>
#include <ProObjects.h>
#include <ProFeature.h>
#include <ProDimension.h>
#include <ProSolid.h>
#include <ProUtil.h>
#include <ProMessage.h>
#include <PTApplsUnicodeUtils.h>
Application includes 
#include <TestError.h>

FUNCTION : UserDimDisplayRounded()
PURPOSE  : Change the displayed value of a selected model dimension to 
ProError UserDimDisplayRounded()
    ProMdl model ;               /* current model */
    ProSelection *p_sel_feat ;   /* selected feature */
    ProSelection *p_sel_dim ;    /* selected dimension */
    ProModelitem dim_mdlitem ;   /* dimension Modelitem */
    int n_sel_feat = -1 ;             /* no. of selected features */
    int n_sel_dim = -1;              /* no. of selected dims */
    ProFileName msg_file ;       /* message file */
    int err ;                    /* return status */
    double value;                /* dimension value */
    double newdimval ;           /* user-entered dim value */
    ProCharLine str1 ;           /* message string */
    ProBoolean display_rounded;  /* rounded display status */

    ProStringToWstring(msg_file, "msg_ugfund.txt") ;

    Check for a model.
    err = ProMdlCurrentGet(&model);
    ERROR_CHECK("UserDimDisplayRounded()", "ProMdlCurrentGet()", err); 
    if (err != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR)
       ProMessageDisplay(msg_file, "USER %0s F", 
           "Error getting current model."); 
       return(err) ; 

    Get a feature to modify.
    ProMessageDisplay(msg_file, "USER %0s F", "Select a feature."); 
    err = ProSelect("feature", 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 
        &p_sel_feat, &n_sel_feat) ; 
    ERROR_CHECK("UserDimDisplayRounded()", "ProSelect()", err); 
    if ( err != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR || n_sel_feat < 1)
        ProMessageDisplay(msg_file, "USER %0s F", 
            "Error or abort during selection.") ; 
        return(err) ; 

    ProSelectionUnhighlight (p_sel_feat [0]);

    Show the dimensions on the feature.
    err = ProFeatureParamsDisplay (p_sel_feat [0], PRO_DIM_PARAM);
    ERROR_CHECK ("UserDimDisplayRounded()", "ProFeatureParamsDisplay()", err); 
    Get the dimension to be changed.
    ProMessageDisplay(msg_file, "USER %0s F", "Select a dimension."); 

    err = ProSelect("dimension", 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 
        &p_sel_dim, &n_sel_dim) ; 
    ERROR_CHECK("UserDimDisplayRounded()", "ProSelect()", err); 
    if ( err != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR || n_sel_dim < 1)
        ProMessageDisplay(msg_file, "USER %0s F", 
            "Error or abort during selection.") ; 
        return(err) ; 

    err = ProSelectionModelitemGet(p_sel_dim[0], &dim_mdlitem); 
    ERROR_CHECK("UserDimDisplayRounded()", "ProSelectionModelitemGet()", 

    err = ProDimensionIsDisplayRoundedValue(&dim_mdlitem,
			       &display_rounded ); 
    ERROR_CHECK("UserDimDisplayRounded()", "prodim_get_dimension()", err); 

    Change the dimension.
    ProTKSprintf(str1, "Toggling the Display Rounded property.") ; 
    ProMessageDisplay(msg_file, "USER %0s F", str1) ; 

    err = ProDimensionDisplayRoundedValueSet ( &dim_mdlitem, !display_rounded); 
    ERROR_CHECK("UserDimDisplayRounded()", "ProDimensionValueSet()", err); 

    err = ProDimensionDisplayUpdate ( &dim_mdlitem );

    ProMessageDisplay(msg_file, "USER %0s F", 
        "Display Rounded property toggled."); 

    return(PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) ; 