	Copyright (c) 2024 PTC Inc. and/or Its Subsidiary Companies. All Rights Reserved.

    Pro/TOOLKIT includes
#include "ProToolkit.h"
#include "ProMenu.h"
#include "ProUtil.h"
#include "ProColor.h"	/* line style */
#include "ProGraphic.h"

    Pro/DEVELOP includes

    C System includes

    Application includes
#include "TestError.h"
#include "UtilString.h"
#include <ProTKRunTime.h>


    Data types

    Application global/external data

    Functions declaration
int	    ProTestLinestyleGet( int );
int	    ProTestLinestyleDataPrint( ProLinestyle, ProLinestyleData* );
int	    ProTestLineSetMenu( void*, int );
int	    ProTestLinestyleSet( ProLinestyle*, ProLinestyle );

  Function : user_get_line_style
  Purpose  : To get line style definitions
    Function:	ProTestLinestyleGet()
    Purpose:	Get line style data, then call ProTestLinestyleDataPrint() 
		to print out 'em.
    Returns:	0 - success; -1 - error.
int ProTestLinestyleGet( 
    int style )	    /* (In)	Style to get data */
    ProError		status;
    ProLinestyleData	style_data;

    /* Get data */
    status = ProLinestyleDataGet( (ProLinestyle)style, &style_data );
    TEST_CALL_REPORT( "ProLinestyleDataGet()", "ProTestLinestyleGet()", 
			status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR );
    if( status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR )
	return -1;

    /* Print out data */
    ProTestLinestyleDataPrint( (ProLinestyle)style, &style_data );

    return 0;

  Function : user_printf_line_style
  Purpose  : To printf line style definitions
    Function:	ProTestLinestyleDataPrint()
    Purpose:	Print out the specified line style info.
    Returns:	0 - success; Now ignored.
int ProTestLinestyleDataPrint( 
    ProLinestyle style,			/* (In) Line style to print out */
    ProLinestyleData* p_style_data )	/* (In) Style data to print out */
    char	    name[32];
    char	    line_style_name[32];
    char	    line_def[32];
    char	    cap_style[32];
    char	    join_style[32];
    char	    fill_style[32];
    char	    fill_rule[32];
    int		    len_of_dash_list;
    double	    dash_offset;
    int		    i;

    switch( style )
         ProUtilstrcpy( name, "PRO_SOLIDFONT" );

         ProUtilstrcpy( name, "PRO_DOTFONT" );

         ProUtilstrcpy( name, "PRO_CTRLFONT" );

         ProUtilstrcpy( name, "PRO_PHANTOMFONT" );

         ProUtilstrcpy( name, "Unrecognized Type" );
    ProTKPrintf( "\n" );
    ProWstringToString( line_style_name, p_style_data->line_style_name );
    ProTKPrintf( "   line_style_name = %s  ", line_style_name );
    ProWstringToString( line_def, p_style_data->line_definition );
    ProTKPrintf( "   line_def = %s  \n", line_def );
    ProWstringToString(cap_style,  p_style_data->cap_style );
    ProTKPrintf( "   cap_style = %s  ", cap_style);
    ProWstringToString(join_style, p_style_data->join_style );
    ProTKPrintf( "   join_style = %s  \n", join_style);
    ProWstringToString(fill_style, p_style_data->fill_style );
    ProTKPrintf( "   fill_style = %s  ", fill_style);
    ProWstringToString(fill_rule,  p_style_data->fill_rule );
    ProTKPrintf( "   fill_rule = %s  \n", fill_rule );

    len_of_dash_list = p_style_data->len_of_dash_list;
    dash_offset = p_style_data->dash_offset;

    ProTKPrintf( "   len_of_dash_list = %d    dash_offset = %lf   \n",
	    len_of_dash_list, dash_offset );
    ProTKPrintf( "     p_style_data->dash_list =  " );
    for( i=0; i<len_of_dash_list; i++ )
	ProTKPrintf( "  %lf   ",p_style_data->dash_list[i] );

    ProTKPrintf( "\n" );

    return 0;

  Function : user_set_line
  Purpose  : To set-up the user's line_style menu
    Function:	ProTestLineSetMenu()
    Purpose:	On-button function. Set up the line style menu.
    Returns:	0 - success.
int ProTestLineSetMenu( void* p_dummy, int int_dummy )
    ProError		status;
    int			menu_id;    /* The identifier of the created menu */
    int			action;
    int			style;

	Create new menu Linestyle

    /* Load base menu from file */
    status = ProMenuFileRegister((char*) "Linestyle",(char*) "tklinestyle.mnu", &menu_id );
    TEST_CALL_REPORT( "ProMenuFileRegister()", "ProTestEntityDrawMenu()", 
			status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR );

    /* Define menu buttons */
    ProMenubuttonActionSet((char*) "Linestyle",(char*) "Solid", 
	(ProMenubuttonAction)ProTestLinestyleSet, &style, PRO_LINESTYLE_SOLID );
    ProMenubuttonActionSet((char*) "Linestyle",(char*) "Dot",	
	(ProMenubuttonAction)ProTestLinestyleSet, &style, PRO_LINESTYLE_DOT );
    ProMenubuttonActionSet((char*) "Linestyle",(char*) "Ctrl", 
	(ProMenubuttonAction)ProTestLinestyleSet, &style, PRO_LINESTYLE_CENTERLINE );
    ProMenubuttonActionSet((char*) "Linestyle",(char*) "Phantom", 
	(ProMenubuttonAction)ProTestLinestyleSet, &style, PRO_LINESTYLE_PHANTOM );
    ProMenubuttonActionSet((char*) "Linestyle",(char*)"Linestyle", 
	(ProMenubuttonAction)ProMenuDelete, NULL, 0 );

	Run menu Linestyle
    status = ProMenuCreate( PROMENUTYPE_MAIN,(char*) "Linestyle", &menu_id );
    TEST_CALL_REPORT( "ProMenuCreate()", "ProTestEntityDrawMenu()", 
			status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR );
    if( status == PRO_TK_NO_ERROR )
	status = ProMenuProcess((char*) "Linestyle", &action );
	TEST_CALL_REPORT( "ProMenuProcess()", "ProTestEntityDrawMenu()", 
			    status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR );

    return 0;

  Function : user_set_line_style
  Purpose  : To set the user's line style
    Function:	ProTestLinestyleSet()
    Purpose:	On-button function. Set the specified line style, then
		call ProTestLinestyleGet() to get & print out set style.
    Returns:	Line style - success; -1 - error.
int ProTestLinestyleSet( ProLinestyle* p_line_style, ProLinestyle line_style )
    ProError		status;
    ProLinestyle	old_line_style;

    /* Set the specified line style */
    status = ProLinestyleSet( line_style, &old_line_style );
    TEST_CALL_REPORT( "ProLinestyleSet()", "ProTestLinestyleSet()", status, 
		    ((status!=PRO_TK_NO_ERROR)&&(status!=PRO_TK_NO_CHANGE)) );
    *p_line_style = line_style;

    if( (status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) && (status != PRO_TK_NO_CHANGE) )
	return -1;

    /* get & print out the specified style */
    ProTestLinestyleGet( line_style );

    status = ProMenuDelete();
    TEST_CALL_REPORT( "ProMenuDelete()", "ProTestLinestyleSet()", 
			status, status!=PRO_TK_NO_ERROR );

    return line_style;