asynchronous mode
The mode in which Creo TOOLKIT can start or connect to a new Creo Parametric session and invoke operations in it.
The term “solid body” denotes a container object for solid geometry.
An item, such as view, part, or feature, that is dependent on another item for its existence. See also Parent.
complement mode
In this mode, the color becomes the exclusive or of the old color and the color being drawn. You can use this for creating
dynamic graphics, such as rubberbands.
configuration file
A special text file that contains default settings for many Creo Parametric functions. Default environment, units, files, directories, and so on are set when Creo Parametric reads this file when it is started. A configuration file can reside in the startup directory to set the values for your working
session only, or it can reside in the load directory to set values for all users running that version of Creo Parametric. Also known as the config.pro file.
A closed loop on a face. A contour consists of multiple edges. A contour can belong to only one face.
coordinate system
A means of identifying points in space using a particular point in three-dimensional space (the origin) and three mutually
perpendicular axes through the origin (the coordinate axes). Creo TOOLKIT uses four different coordinate systems: model, screen, window, and drawing.
A continuous one-dimensional subset of three-dimensional space. The Creo TOOLKIT definition covers the geometry of not only datum curves, but also other features whose geometry is treated in the same way:
axes and geometry edges.
display list
A list of vectors used to represent the shape of the model in the view.
The portion or portions of a surface that correspond to real geometry.
draft entity
The graphical items created in Creo Parametric using the options under the Sketch tab. The possible values are arc, ellipse, line, point, polygon, spline, and so on.
draft group
A group of detail items that can contain notes and symbol instances, as well as draft entities.
The curve along which two geometrical faces intersect.
A structural component in a Creo Parametric model that has its own internal identifier (and sometimes a name) and can be selected. Examples of elements are face, edge
(but not contour), datum plane, datum surface, datum curve, axis, datum point, and feature.
A geometric element that has the geometry of a curve, excluding edges. Entities such as datum curves are accessed using their
own Creo TOOLKIT functions, even though geometrically they behave like edges. Note that entities and draft entities are quite different:
draft entities refer to two-dimensional items on a drawing.
To invoke the evaluation, at a point on an edge or surface, of the parametric equations of Creo Parametric for that edge or surface. Evaluation provides a description of the three-dimensional geometry, in model coordinates.
A geometry element that describes a geometrical surface and its relationship with other geometry elements (edges and faces).
To emphasize an element by modifying its appearance on the workstation surface, usually by changing its color.
information window
A Creo Parametric window that displays information such as object lists, mass properties, and BOM.
The arrow that points from a note or symbol to either a point on an edge of the geometry of a model in a drawing view or to
a point in the drawing.
load directory
The directory where Creo Parametric is loaded.
macro keys
The function keys or key sequences for which you predefined a menu option or sequence of menu options. The predefined menu
options enable you to pick a macro from a menu that is currently on the screen.
main menu
An autonomous menu with its own title. The other type of menu is a submenu.
mass properties
The information about the distribution of mass in the part or assembly. The C structure used to describe mass properties is
ProMassProperty, and is declared in the header file ProSolid.h. The data structure includes fields for the following: volume, surface area, density, mass, center of gravity (COG), inertia
matrix, inertia tensor, COG inertia tensor, eigenvalues of the COG inertia, and eigenvectors of the COG inertia.
A two-dimensional array used for transformations. See also Transformation.
A list of options presented by Creo Parametric that you select using the mouse or predefined macro keys. See the User Interface: Menus, Commands, and Popupmenus chaptersection for more information on menus.
menu file
A text file that enables you to specify your own text for the name of a menu button, the one-line help text that appears when
you place the cursor over that button, and translations for both of these.
message file
A text file that enables you to provide your own translation of the text message. The message file consists of groups of four
lines, one group for each message that you want to write out.
A top-level object in a Creo Parametric mode.
model coordinates
The coordinate system in Creo Parametric is internally used to define the geometry of a model. You can visualize these coordinates by creating a coordinate system
datum with the option .
model item
A generic object used to represent any item contained in any type of model, for the purpose of functions whose actions are
applicable to all these types of item.
Enables you to trap certain classes or events in the Creo Parametric session and arrange for a function in the Creo TOOLKIT program to be called before or after such a trapped event.
An item stored as a single file, such as a part, assembly, or drawing.
overlay view
The view for a whole drawing sheet.
A user-driven property that can be added to elements in a Creo Parametric model and used to drive dimensional relations. Parameters consist of a name, type, and a value that can be an integer, double,
or string. Parameters are accessible through the Creo Parametric user interface, as opposed to attributes that are private to Creo TOOLKIT .
An item that has other items dependent upon it for their existence. For example, the base feature has all other features dependent
upon it. If a parent is deleted, all dependent (children) items are deleted.
A set of interconnecting pipes and fitments consisting of an extension which terminates at open ends, non-open ends, or junctions
pipeline branch
Pipes grouped into extensions such that the extension which continues across the branch has a continuous direction of flow.
pipeline extension
A non-branching sequence of pipeline items.
pipeline feature
A feature which names the pipeline to show its grouping but contains no geometry.
pipeline fitting
A component that connects two pipe segments, for example, a corner or a valve.
pipeline junction
An assembly component or a datum point that represents a part which joins three or more pipe segments.
pipeline member
A extension terminator, series, or junction.
pipeline network
A data structure which contains references to pipeline objects and are structured to show their connectivity and sequence
in relation to the flow.
pipeline object
A segment, a fitting, or a stubin.
pipeline segment
A section of pipe, either straight or arced.
pipeline series
A non-branching sequence of pipeline objects.
pipeline stubin
A datum point which joints three or more series.
pipeline terminator
The open or non-open ends of the pipeline.
scene graph
A tree structure which consists of nodes. This term used in reference to the graphics data.
set mode
In this mode, any graphics draw command sets the appropriate pixels to the color being drawn.
A menu that acts as an extension to the menu above it. A submenu has no title and is active at the same time as the menu above
it. Selecting from the menu above it does not close the submenu.
A continuous two-dimensional subset of three-dimensional space.
synchronous mode
The normal mode of operation that makes it appear that Creo TOOLKIT is part of the Creo Parametric process.
The process of subdividing an edge into multiple smaller edges.
A change from one coordinate system to another. A transformation between two coordinate systems is represented by a 4x4 matrix.
triangle strip
A strip of triangles that are connected to each other. The term is used in reference to the graphics data.
user attributes
The attributes added by a user to add description to the object beyond the geometric definition. For example, stock number,
price, and cost per unit are all user attributes.
A straight line segment that has both magnitude and direction.
version stamp
Provides a way of keeping track of changes in a Creo Parametric model to which your Creo TOOLKIT application may need to respond.
In Part mode, a view is the orientation of the object. In Drawing mode, a view is part of the drawing that represents the
wide string
A data type that allows for the fact that some character sets (such as Japanese KANJI) use a bigger character set than can
be coded into the usual 1-byte char type.
A rectangular area of the workstation surface in which you work or in which the system displays messages. Creo Parametric uses a Main Window, Message Window, and subwindows. You can also specify a single-window environment.