Object ProRulsrfdata

Ruled Surface



A Ruled Surface is the surface the system generates by interpolating linearly between corresponding points of two curve entities. The ruled surface data structure comprises the vector representation of the point, 3 dimensional point data for origin, and curve data for both curves. This data can be initialized and accessed through the functions in this object.

ProRulsrfdata Functions:

ProRulsrfdataGet(), ProRulsrfdataInit()

Functions inherited from ProSurfacedata:

ProSurfacedataAlloc(), ProSurfacedataContourArrayGet(), ProSurfacedataContourArraySet(), ProSurfacedataFree(), ProSurfacedataGet(), ProSurfacedataInit(), ProSurfacedataMemoryFree()

Functions inherited from ProGeomitemdata:

ProGeomitemdataFree(), ProGeomitemdataGet()