Category Graphics and model display, Object ProDisplist

Callback ProDisplistCallback

This is the user display function that gets called when you create a display list.
#include <ProDisplist.h>
void* arg1
/* (In)
User data arg1 passed to ProDisplist2dCreate() or ProDisplist3dCreate()
void* arg2
/* (In)
User data arg2 passed to ProDisplist2dCreate() or ProDisplist3dCreate()
void* arg3
/* (In)
User data arg3 passed to ProDisplist2dCreate() or ProDisplist3dCreate()
void* arg4
/* (In)
User data arg4 passed to ProDisplist2dCreate() or ProDisplist3dCreate()
void* arg5
/* (In)
User data arg5 passed to ProDisplist2dCreate() or ProDisplist3dCreate()
void* arg6
/* (In)
User data arg6 passed to ProDisplist2dCreate() or ProDisplist3dCreate()
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function was successful.