Category Windchill servers, Object ProServer

Function ProServerContextsCollect

Gets the list of the contexts for a given server.
Replacement in Object TOOLKIT: pfcServerLocation::ListContexts
#include <ProWTUtils.h>
wchar_t* server
/* (In)
The alias used by Creo Parametric to refer to the server, or the server base URL in http:// format.
wchar_t*** data
/* (Out)
The list of the contexts for the server. Free this array using ProWstringproarrayFree().
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function succeeded.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSOne or more inputs was invalid.
PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUNDThe server was not registered or couldn't be found at the given location.
PRO_TK_EMPTYThe server does not have any contexts.
PRO_TK_CANT_ACCESSServer communication error, or user lacks permission to view workspaces on this server.
PRO_TK_INVALID_TYPEThe server version is not supported

Manual References:

  1. Data Management: Windchill Operations: Accessing Information Before Registering a Server
  2. Data Management: Windchill Operations: Accessing Information Before Registering a Server
  3. Data Management: Windchill Operations: To Register a Server with a New Workspace