Category Windows and views, Object ProWindow

Function ProInfoWindowDisplay

Creates a window and shows the text of the file specified by file_name.


On UNIX machines, file names are case sensitive.

Replacement in Object TOOLKIT: wfcWSession::DisplayInformationWindow
#include <ProUtil.h>
ProPath file_name
/* (In)
The file name. The name can include the directory path.
ProInfoWindowLocation* location
/* (In)
The location of the window. If this is NULL, the function uses the default window position settings.
ProInfoWindowSize* size
/* (In)
The size of the window, in the number of lines and columns. If this is NULL, the function uses the default values. The default value for rows is 24, and the default for columns is 80. The valid values for rows is between 6 and 33. The valid values for columns is between 8 and 80.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function successfully created the window.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSThe specified file name is NULL, or is empty.
PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERRORThe function cannot open the file, or cannot find it.

Manual References:

  1. Pro/DEVELOP to Creo Toolkit Function Mapping: Equivalent Pro/DEVELOP Functions
  2. Core: Utilities: File Handling
  3. Core: Utilities: File Handling

Sample Code References:

  1. pt_examples ( TestAnalysis.c )
  2. pt_examples ( TestImm.c )
  3. pt_examples ( TestMoldbase.c )
  4. pt_examples ( TestMultiCADFile.c )
  5. pt_examples ( TestProcstep.c )
  6. pt_examples ( TestWeld.c )
  7. pt_examples ( TestWeld.c )
  8. pt_examples ( TestConfig.c )
  9. pt_examples ( TestConfig.c )
  10. pt_examples ( TestDbms.c )
  11. pt_examples ( TestDimension.c )
  12. pt_examples ( TestFamTab.c )
  13. pt_examples ( TestFeats.c )
  14. pt_examples ( TestFeats.c )
  15. pt_examples ( TestFeats.c )
  16. pt_examples ( TestFeats.c )
  17. pt_examples ( TestGenedata.c )
  18. pt_examples ( TestGeom.c )
  19. pt_examples ( TestGeom.c )
  20. pt_examples ( TestGeom.c )
  21. pt_examples ( TestDrawTbl.c )
  22. pt_examples ( TestDrwInfo.c )
  23. pt_examples ( TestDrwView.c )
  24. pt_examples ( TestDtlentity.c )
  25. pt_examples ( TestDtlgroup.c )
  26. pt_examples ( TestDtlnote.c )
  27. pt_examples ( TestDtlsyminst.c )
  28. pt_examples ( TestSymDefInfo.c )
  29. pt_examples ( TestView.c )
  30. pt_examples ( TestWindow.c )
  31. pt_examples ( TestCavityLayout.c )
  32. pt_examples ( TestMoldLayout.c )
  33. pt_examples ( TestRoute.c )
  34. pt_examples ( TestMisc.c )
  35. pt_examples ( TestGtol.c )
  36. pt_examples ( TestGtol.c )
  37. pt_examples ( TestParams.c )
  38. pt_examples ( TestRelation.c )
  39. pt_examples ( TestSetup.c )
  40. pt_examples ( TestSetup.c )
  41. pt_examples ( TestSecerr.c )
  42. pt_examples ( TestSect.c )
  43. pt_examples ( TestSimpRep.c )
  44. pt_examples ( TestSimpRep.c )
  45. pt_examples ( UtilTree.c )
  46. pt_userguide ( UgAsmCompVisit.c )
  47. pt_userguide ( UgAsmcompTransfGet.c )
  48. pt_userguide ( UgDrawingSheets.c )
  49. pt_userguide ( UgDrawingViews.c )
  50. pt_userguide ( UgSheetsList.c )
  51. pt_userguide ( UgFundCsysTrf.c )
  52. pt_userguide ( UgFundCsysTrf.c )
  53. pt_userguide ( UgFundExpArrays.c )
  54. pt_userguide ( UgGeomInterferCheck.c )
  55. pt_userguide ( UgGeomInterferCheck.c )
  56. pt_userguide ( UgPlotSetup.c )
  57. pt_userguide ( UgREADME.c )
  58. pt_userguide ( UgNavigatorPane.c )
  59. pt_userguide ( UgXsecList.c )