Category Features, Object ProUdf

Function ProUdfCreate

Creates an instance of a UDF in a solid

NOTE: From Creo3 onwards, features have backup reference information that allows their missing references to be visited, hence the additional reference information may be shown through ProFeatureAnnotationelemsVisit and similar calls. This new functionality can be disabled by setting config option backup_reference_information to no.

Replacement in Object TOOLKIT: pfcSolid::CreateUDFGroup
#include <ProUdf.h>
ProSolid solid
/* (In)
The solid which will contain the UDF
ProUdfdata data
/* (In)
The data which described the placement and geometry of the UDF
ProAsmcomppath* asm_reference
/* (In)
The assembly and member component path from the root assembly to the model on which the UDF will be created. NULL if the UDF is not placed in assembly mode, or if the UDF is placed in the top-level assembly.
ProUdfCreateOption* options
/* (In)
Array of placement options
int n_options
/* (In)
The number of options
ProGroup* udf
/* (Out)
The resultant UDF group
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function succeeded.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSOne or more input arguments was invalid.
PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERRORUnable to place the new UDF instance.
PRO_TK_UNSUPPORTEDThe input model is Multi-CAD model.
PRO_TK_NO_PERMISSIONThe function does not have permission to operate on this model.

Manual References:

  1. Pro/DEVELOP to Creo Toolkit Function Mapping: Equivalent Pro/DEVELOP Functions
  2. Core: Features: Placing UDFs
  3. Core: Features: The UDF Input Data Structure ProUdfdata
  4. Core: Features: The UDF Input Data Structure ProUdfdata
  5. Core: Features: Variable Dimensions and Pattern Parameters
  6. Core: Features: UDF References
  7. Core: Features: Assembly Intersections
  8. Core: Features: Automatic Filling of the Body Reference
  9. Core: Features: API Behavior for All Combinations of UDF Type, Creation and Placement
  10. Technical Summary of Changes for Creo Updates to Error Types

Sample Code References:

  1. pt_udf_examples ( PTUDFExUDFPlacementDashboard.c )