Category Features, Object ProUdfintersection

Function ProUdfintersectionAlloc

Allocate and set a ProUdfintersection structure which describes an assembly intersections of a solid feature in an assembly
#include <ProUdf.h>
ProAsmcomppath* intersect_part
/* (In)
The part to be intersected
int visibility_level
/* (In)
The level at which the feature is to be visible in the selected part. Values can be:
  • 0 = visible only in the top level assembly
  • 1 = visible in the top level assembly and the subassembly below it
  • ...
  • table_num in intersect part = visible in all levels of the assembly
ProName* instance_names
/* (In)
A ProArray of instance names to be used to create the internal family table instances created to represent the UDF geometry between the UDF owner and the visibility level. The number of names in the array should be equal to visibility_level. If NULL, Creo Parametric will generate the instance names by default.
ProUdfintersection* intersection
/* (Out)
The allocated intersection data structure
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function succeeded.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSOne or more input arguments was invalid.

Manual References:

  1. Core: Features: Assembly Intersections
  2. Core: Features: Assembly Intersections