Category Animation, Object ProAnimation

Function ProBatchAnimationStart

Starts a batch animation process.
#include <ProAnimate.h>
ProAnimMovie anim_movie
/* (In)
The handle to the animation movie
ProBatchAnimAct callback
/* (In)
The callback function called before each frame is displayed
ProAppData app_data
/* (In)
The application data to be passed to the callback when it is invoked
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe batch animation was successful.
PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERRORThere was an error starting the animation.

Manual References:

  1. User Interface: Animation: Batch Animation
  2. User Interface: Animation: Batch Animation

Sample Code References:

  1. pt_examples ( TestAnimation.c )
  2. pt_examples ( TestCollect.c )
  3. pt_userguide ( UgAnimAsmcompAnim.c )