Category Creo Parametric user interface, Object uiCmdCmd

Callback uiCmdCmdBktFn

The callback function attached to the Creo Parametric menubar buttons by a call to the function ProCmdBracketFuncAdd(). This function is called before and after execution.
#include <ProUICmd.h>
uiCmdCmdId command
/* (In)
The identifier of the action or option.
uiCmdValue* p_new_value
/* (Out)
Not used; argument ignored.
int entering_command
/* (In)
The value is 1 when called before execution and 0 when called after execution
void** pp_bracket_data
/* (In)
General application data as provided by the call to ProCmdBracketFuncAdd() that defines this menu item.
Non-ZeroCall the action function associated with the command.
ZeroDon't call the action function associated with the command.

Manual References:

  1. User Interface: Menus, Commands, and Popupmenus: Manipulating Existing Commands