Category External tasks, Object ProToolkit

Function ProToolkitTaskExecute

Causes Creo Parametric to execute a function in a DLL. Note: The DLL must have been compiled in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 1.0 or later. Note:When done reading output_arguments, call ProArgumentProarrayFree to free the data.
Replacement in Object TOOLKIT: pfcDll::ExecuteFunction
#include <ProToolkitDll.h>
ProToolkitDllHandle handle
/* (In)
The DLL handle.
ProCharPath function_name
/* (In)
The name of the function to call in the DLL. This function must have been declared in the application using the PRO_TK_DLL_EXPORT macro and it must have a signature identical to the signature declared for ProTKDllFunction.
ProArgument* input_arguments
/* (In)
A ProArray of input arguments passed to the DLL function. This array should not contain any ProValueData structures of type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_POINTER.
ProArgument** output_arguments
/* (Out)
A ProArray of output arguments outputted from the DLL function. The called function should not populate this array with any ProValueData structures of type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_POINTER.
ProError* function_return
/* (Out)
The return value of the DLL function.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe DLL function execution succeeded.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSone or more of the arguments was invalid.
PRO_TK_BAD_CONTEXTapplication handle is valid but the app was not running.
PRO_TK_USER_ABORTThe DLL function returned something besides PRO_TK_NO_ERROR. Check the value of function_return for more details.
PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUNDThe function named could not be found and called.
PRO_TK_INVALID_PTROne or more of the function argument arrays contain value data of type PRO_VALUE_TYPE_POINTER. These structures cannot be transferred.

Manual References:

  1. Task Based Application Libraries: Launching Creo TOOLKIT DLL Functions
  2. Task Based Application Libraries: Launching Creo TOOLKIT DLL Functions
  3. Task Based Application Libraries: Custom Creo TOOLKIT DLL Tasks for Creo Distributed Batch