Category External tasks, Object ProToolkit

Function ProToolkitDllLoad

Causes Creo Parametric to load a Creo Parametric TOOLKIT DLL and initialize it. The DLL's user_initialize() will be called.
Replacement in Object TOOLKIT: pfcBaseSession::LoadProToolkitDll
#include <ProToolkitDll.h>
ProName app_name
/* (In)
The name of the application to initialize.
ProCharPath exec_file
/* (In)
The DLL file to load, including its full path.
ProCharPath text_dir
/* (In)
The path to the applications' message and UI text files.
ProBoolean user_display
/* (In)
PRO_B_TRUE if you want the interactive user to be able to see the application registered in the Creo Parametric UI and to see error messages if the application fails in some manner.
ProToolkitDllHandle* handle
/* (Out)
A pointer to a structure representing a Creo Parametric TOOLKIT DLL.
ProError* user_error_ret
/* (Out)
The error return from the DLL's user_initialize function. May be NULL.
ProPath user_string_ret
/* (Out)
a message from ProE if there was a problem before the DLL's user_initialize function was run, or from user_initialize() if it was run but returned an error. Never written if user_error_ret is PRO_TK_NO_ERROR. May be NULL.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe initialization succeeded.
PRO_TK_USER_ABORTThe DLL's user_initialize function returned an error and the DLL was not initialized. Check the values of user_error_ret and user_string_ret for more details.
PRO_TK_CANT_ACCESSThe file specified could not be read.
PRO_TK_INVALID_FILEThe file specified is not a proper DLL.
PRO_TK_E_IN_USEThe specified DLL is already loaded and may not be loaded again.
PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUNDexec_file did not exist or was not readable
PRO_TK_CANT_WRITECreo Parametric will not accept any more external applications registered at this time.
PRO_TK_BAD_CONTEXTThe DLL was already registered and failed to start or stop cleanly the last time it was loaded/unloaded.
PRO_TK_APP_UNLOCKThe DLL requires the Creo Parametric TOOLKIT Development License, but it is not available in the Creo Parametric session.

Manual References:

  1. Task Based Application Libraries: Launching Creo TOOLKIT DLL Functions
  2. Task Based Application Libraries: Launching Creo TOOLKIT DLL Functions