Object ProTable

Function ProTableCellsMerge

Takes a rectangular region of cells and merges them into a composite cell. The merged cells, rows, or columns are deleted, and the table's appearance will be restored using prodrw_remesh_table_cells(). This function is equivalent to the Creo Parametric option Drawing, Table, Mod Rows/Col, Merge. Restrictions placed in the user interface also apply here. For example, borders of merge cannot intersect the borders of another merge or repeat region.
#include <ProTable.h>
ProTable* table
/* (In)
The table
int start_column
/* (In)
The leftmost column of the merged cell
int start_row
/* (In)
The upper row of the merged cell
int end_column
/* (In)
The rightmost column of the merged cell
int end_row
/* (In)
The bottom row of the merged cell
int display
/* (In)
Flag that specifies whether or not the table is to be displayed after creation.
PRO_TK_NOT_VALIDWhen the input row or the column does not exist.

Manual References:

  1. Technical Summary of Changes for Creo Model-based Definition Tables
  2. Technical Summary of Changes for Creo Functions superseded from Creo 1.0 to Creo 11.0
  3. Model-Based Definition and Drawing Tables: Modifying MBD or Drawing Tables
  4. Model-Based Definition and Drawing Tables: Modifying MBD or Drawing Tables