Category Curve and surface collection, Object ProCollectionref

Callback ProCollectionrefAction

DEPRECATED: Since Wildfire 4.0
SUPERSEDED BY: Depends on the context, consult the user documentation.
Note: This function accesses an older version of the ProCollection interface. It has been superseded. Please consult the Creo Parametric TOOLKIT user's guide chapter on "Collections" for more information.

Type for action callback function for ProCollectioninstrRefVisit()

#include <ProCollect.h>
ProCollectionref ref
/* (In)
The reference object for which the function is called.
ProError status
/* (In)
The return value from the preceding call to the filter function.
ProAppData app_data
/* (In)
The user-defined data passed to ProCollectioninstrRefVisit).
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORcontinue visiting
PRO_TK_CONTINUEcontinue visiting
otherterminate visiting and return this value from ProCollectioninstrRefVisit()