Category Assembly, Object ProAssembly

Function ProAssemblySolidMassPropertyGet

Calculates the mass properties of solid referenced by the specified coordinate system selection.

Notes: Allocate the coordinate system selection using component path of component/sub-assembly whose mass properties are required.

#include <ProSolid.h>
ProSolid solid
/* (In)
The handle to top assembly or component/sub-assembly.
ProSelection csys_sel
/* (In)
The selection reference for the coordinate system. If this is NULL, the function uses the default coordinate system of the input solid.
ProMassProperty* mass_prop
/* (Out)
The mass property.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function successfully retrieved the information.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSThe assembly handle or csys selection is invalid.
PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUNDThe specified coordinate system was not found.
PRO_TK_GENREAL_ERRORA general error occurred and the function failed.

Manual References:

  1. Core: Solids, Parts, and Materials: Mass Properties