Category Sketches and sections, Object ProSection

Function ProSectionIntentManagerModeSet

Switches Intent Manager mode on/off for the specified section for Creo Parametric TOOLKIT functions. Section conversion invoking section resolve is done here.

By default Intent Manager is off.

Replacement in Object TOOLKIT: wfcSection::SetIntentManagerMode
#include <ProSection.h>
ProSection section
/* (In)
The section handle
ProBoolean use_intent_manager
/* (In)
PRO_B_TRUE to switch Intent Manager mode on
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSInvalid section
PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERRORSection can not be converted

Manual References:

  1. Element Trees: Sections: Setting the Mode of a Section

Sample Code References:

  1. pt_userguide ( UgCreoSweepCreate.c )
  2. pt_userguide ( UgCreoSweepCreate.c )
  3. pt_userguide ( UgCreoSweepCreate.c )
  4. pt_userguide ( UgCreoSweepCreate.c )
  5. pt_userguide ( UgCreoSweepCreate.c )
  6. pt_userguide ( UgCreoSweepCreate.c )