Category Sketches and sections, Object ProSection

Function ProSectionEntityGetSelected

Get the selection reference of the entity
#include <ProSection.h>
ProSection handle
/* (In)
The section handle
int entity_id
/* (In)
The entity identifier
ProSectionPointType pnt_type
/* (In)
selected point type.
Pro2dPnt pnt
/* (In)
location on the entity geometry (may be NULL)
int idx_pnt
/* (In)
Index of interpolation spline point (PRO_VALUE_UNUSED if not a spline entity) Used interpolation point instead pnt in creation ProSelection if idx_pnt is set up.
ProSelection* p_ref_entity
/* (Out)
The allocated selection object.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function successfully executed.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSOne or more of the input arguments are invalid.

Manual References:

  1. Element Trees: Sections: Accessing Selection Reference of the Entity

Sample Code References:

  1. pt_examples ( UtilSect.c )
  2. pt_userguide ( Ug3DSectSplineDim.c )
  3. pt_userguide ( Ug3DSectSplineDim.c )
  4. pt_userguide ( Ug3DSectSplineDim.c )