Category Sketches and sections, Object ProSecerror

Function ProSecerrorFree

Frees the workspace table of section-solving and regeneration errors.
#include <ProSecerror.h>
ProWSecerror* PUserErr
/* (In)
A pointer to the errors table
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function successfully freed the memory.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSThe argument is invalid.

Manual References:

  1. Element Trees: Sections: Automatic Section Dimensioning
  2. Element Trees: Sections: Error Reporting

Sample Code References:

  1. pt_examples ( TestExtrude.c )
  2. pt_examples ( TestSecerr.c )
  3. pt_examples ( UtilSect.c )
  4. pt_examples ( UtilSect.c )
  5. pt_examples ( UtilSect.c )
  6. pt_examples ( UtilSect.c )
  7. pt_geardesign ( GearDesignUtils.c )
  8. pt_geardesign ( GearDesignUtils.c )
  9. pt_geardesign ( GearDesignUtils.c )
  10. pt_geardesign ( GearDesignUtils.c )
  11. pt_geardesign ( GearDesignUtils.c )
  12. pt_userguide ( Ug3DSectSplineDim.c )
  13. pt_userguide ( Ug3DSectSplineDim.c )
  14. pt_userguide ( Ug3DSectSplineDim.c )
  15. pt_userguide ( Ug3DSection.c )
  16. pt_userguide ( UgSectModelCreate.c )
  17. pt_userguide ( UgSweepCreate.c )