Category Feature element trees, Object ProReference

Function ProReferenceToSelection

Gets and allocates a ProSelection containing a representation for this reference.
#include <ProReference.h>
ProReference reference
/* (In)
The reference handle.
ProSelection* selection
/* (Out)
The resulting ProSelection handle. Note that this does not contain reference specific information like local copy flags, and status. This selection is separately allocated and should be freed using ProSelectionFree().
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function succeeded.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSOne or more arguments was invalid.
PRO_TK_EMPTYThis value is not set in the reference.
PRO_TK_INVALID_PTRThe reference cannot be converted to a viable selection.

Manual References:

  1. Element Trees: References: Reading References
  2. Element Trees: References: Reading References

Sample Code References:

  1. pt_af_examples ( PTAEToChamfer.c )
  2. pt_af_examples ( PTAEToDraft.c )
  3. pt_af_examples ( PTAEToRound.c )
  4. pt_examples ( TestAnalysisCsys.c )
  5. pt_examples ( UtilTree.c )
  6. pt_examples ( UtilTree.c )
  7. pt_examples ( UtilTree.c )
  8. pt_examples ( UtilTree.c )
  9. pt_examples ( UtilTree.c )
  10. pt_userguide ( UgMfgMillSeqCreate.c )