Category 2D interface, Object ProQuickprintoptions

Function ProQuickprintoptionsViewAdd

Adds a new general view to be printed.

Note: For manual view layouts, the order in which the views are added determine their final location in the drawing.

#include <ProQuickprint.h>
ProQuickprintOptions options
/* (In)
The options handle.
ProQuickprintprojectedGeneralViewLocation location
/* (In)
For projected view layout, this is the location of the view being added. Ignored for manual view layout.
ProLine view_name
/* (In)
Name of the saved model view.
double scale
/* (In)
The view scale to use.
ProDrawingViewDisplay* display_style
/* (In)
The view display style to use.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function succeeded.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSOne or more input arguments was invalid.
PRO_TK_LINE_TOO_LONGNo more than 4 views may be used in a manual layout.
PRO_TK_BAD_CONTEXTThe layout type is not 'projection' or 'manual'.

Manual References:

  1. Interface: Data Exchange: Automatic Printing of 3D Models
  2. Interface: Data Exchange: Automatic Printing of 3D Models