Category Creo Parametric fundamentals, Object ProMdl

Function ProMdlOriginGet

Retrieves the full path from which the model was retrieved. Returns an empty string for models which are new in session. For instances, returns the full path of the file that created the instance: the accelerator file if applicable or otherwise the generic. You can call ProFileMdlnameParse with the output origin to get just the location of the file.
Replacement in Object TOOLKIT: pfcModel::Origin
#include <ProMdl.h>
ProMdl handle
/* (In)
The model handle.
ProPath origin
/* (Out)
The address where the full path will be written. You must allocate the memory for this argument.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function successfully retrieved the information.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSThe input arguments are invalid.
PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERRORThe origin of the model could not be found.

Manual References:

  1. Pro/DEVELOP to Creo Toolkit Function Mapping: Equivalent Pro/DEVELOP Functions
  2. Core: Models and Model Items: Identifying Models
  3. Core: Models and Model Items: Identifying Models
  4. Working with Multi-CAD Models Using Creo Unite: Superseded Functions

Sample Code References:

  1. pt_userguide ( UgDrawingViews.c )
  2. pt_userguide ( UgFundStringConv.c )