Category Creo Parametric fundamentals, Object ProMdl

Function ProMdlDisplaynameGet

Retrieves the display name of the model. Note: This name may be different from the name returned by ProMdlMdlnameGet. For example, when the active model is an instance of a native model, the display name will be the instance name. For instances or configurations of non-native models, the display name will consist of the model name and the instance name or configuration name. Note: In Creo 3 this function does not support names longer than 80 characters. It will return PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS for longer names. The support for ProMdlFileName will be added in a future release.
#include <ProMdl.h>
ProMdl handle
/* (In)
The model handle.
ProBoolean include_ext
/* (In)
Indicates whether the name should include the file extension. Use PRO_B_TRUE to use extension. Otherwise, use PRO_B_FALSE.
ProMdlFileName display_name
/* (Out)
The display name of the model.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function successfully retrieved the name.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSThe input argument is invalid.

Manual References:

  1. Core: Models and Model Items: Identifying Models
  2. Core: Models and Model Items: Identifying Models