Category Mechanism Design, Object ProSnapshot

Function ProSnapshotApply

applies the transforms of the active snapshot. Unlike UI, no attempt to reconnect is performed here. User should call ProKinDragReconnect() if reconnect is necessary. Function ProWindowRefresh() should be performed to see the changes in components positions.
#include <ProKinDrag.h>
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function was successful.
PRO_TK_OUTDATEDThe snapshot has been applied despite it is outdated. All subsequent snapshot validity checks will be omitted till next assembly regeneration (see also return code PRO_TK_CHECK_OMITTED of ProKinDragEnvironmentSet().
PRO_TK_INCOMPLETEThe snapshot has been applied despite it is incomplete. All subsequent snapshot validity checks will be omitted till next assembly regeneration (see also return code PRO_TK_CHECK_OMITTED of ProKinDragEnvironmentSet().
PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERRORNo current snapshot is set.

Manual References:

  1. Assembly: Kinematic Dragging and Creating Snapshots: Creating and Modifying Snapshots