Category 3D interface, Object ProOutput

Function ProOutputBrepRepresentationFlagsSet

Set the brep representation flags. Note: not all combinations of flags are valid for all export types. The function ProOutputBrepRepresentationIsSupported indicates if a particular representation is supported by Creo Parametric for a certain export type.
#include <ProIntf3Dexport.h>
ProOutputBrepRepresentation representation
/* (In)
The brep representation structure.
ProBoolean as_wireframe
/* (In)
Whether or not to export geometry as wireframe.
ProBoolean as_surfaces
/* (In)
Whether or not to export geometry as surfaces.
ProBoolean as_solid
/* (In)
Whether or not to export geometry as solid.
ProBoolean as_quilts
/* (In)
Whether or not to export geometry as quilts.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function set the flags.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSThe arguments were invalid.

Manual References:

  1. Interface: Data Exchange: Exporting 3D Models
  2. Interface: Data Exchange: Exporting 3D Models

Sample Code References:

  1. pt_userguide ( UgInterfaceExport.c )