Category Geometry items, Object ProGeomitem

Function ProGeomitemToSurface

Converts a surface ProGeomitem handle to a ProSurface handle.
#include <ProGeomitem.h>
ProGeomitem* p_geom_item
/* (In)
The surface geometry item handle
ProSurface* r_surf_handle
/* (Out)
The surface handle initialized, based on the input geometry item handle
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function successfully converted the geometry item handle to a surface handle.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSThe input geometry item handle is invalid, or does not refer to a surface.

Sample Code References:

  1. pt_af_examples ( PTAFExNotesToPlane.c )
  2. pt_af_examples ( PTAFExampleUtils.c )
  3. pt_examples ( TestAnalysisSurface.c )
  4. pt_examples ( TestAnalysisSurface.c )
  5. pt_examples ( TestAnalysisSurface.c )
  6. pt_examples ( TestAnalysisSurface.c )
  7. pt_examples ( SketchFeatureCreate.c )
  8. pt_examples ( SketchFeatureCreate.c )
  9. pt_examples ( SketchFeatureCreate.c )
  10. pt_examples ( SketchFeatureCreate.c )
  11. pt_examples ( SketchFeatureCreate.c )
  12. pt_examples ( SketchFeatureCreate.c )
  13. pt_examples ( TestMeasure.c )
  14. pt_examples ( TestXsec.c )
  15. pt_examples ( UtilGeom.c )
  16. pt_examples ( UtilSect.c )
  17. pt_examples ( UtilSect.c )
  18. pt_examples ( TestCollect.c )
  19. pt_examples ( TestCollect.c )
  20. pt_userguide ( Ug3DSection.c )
  21. pt_userguide ( UserSelectSurface.c )
  22. pt_userguide ( UgGeomConeAngDisp.c )
  23. pt_userguide ( UgGeomSurfArea.c )
  24. pt_userguide ( UgGtolCreate.c )