Category Features, Object ProFeatintersection

Function ProFeatintersectionDataGet

Returns the component intersected by the assembly feature, visibility level and id of the feature on intersected part.
#include <ProFeature.h>
ProFeatintersection p_intersection
/* (In)
The assembly feature intersection.
ProAsmcomppath* p_component
/* (Out)
Component path to the component.
int* p_level
/* (Out)
The level at which the feature is visible in the assembly. An example: TOP level 0 | |-SUB1 level 1 | | | |-SUB2 level 2 | | |-FEAT |-PART level 3 if level=0 the feature is visible in the TOP assembly only; if level=table_num (from p_component) [in our example table_num=3] the feature is visible in the TOP assembly, all subassemblies in the path and in the part itself; if level=2, the feature is visible in the TOP assembly, SUB1 and SUB2.
int* p_feat_id
/* (Out)
Id of the feature created on the intersected part.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe function found and returned the intersections.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSOne or more arguments is invalid.