Category Behavioral modeling, Object ProAnalysis

Callback ProAnalysisInfosaveAction

This notification function is called after a request to save the analysis, and is used to tell Creo Parametric what references to geometric entities the analysis contains. Set the notification by calling ProAnalysisTypeRegister().
#include <ProAnalysis.h>
ProAnalysis analysis
/* (In)
The analysis being saved.
ProFeature* feature
/* (In)
The feature that owns the analysis. (If the Analysis is not part of an explicit Creo Parametric Analysis feature, this argument is nevertheless set and refers to an internal feature.)
ProSelection** references
/* (Out)
Pointer to ProArray of ProSelection objects describing the entities to be referenced by the analysis. The array is allocated and freed by Creo Parametric.
PRO_TK_NO_ERRORThe analysis can be saved.
OtherThe analysis can not be saved.