Creo Parametric TOOLKIT (R11-020)

Welcome to the Creo Parametric TOOLKIT API Wizard home page.
You can access information on the functions supported in Creo Parametric TOOLKIT as well as learn how to use Creo Parametric TOOLKIT.

Creo Parametric TOOLKIT : API Wizard Click this link to load the Creo Parametric TOOLKIT API Wizard. The API Wizard displays a list of Creo Parametric TOOLKIT Objects and the related functions that provide access to the Creo Parametric database and user interface in a controlled and safe manner.
    Click a function name to read more about it. You can also search for a function by :
  • Typing an API Name
  • Using the wildcard *
Deprecated functions appear highlighted in yellow.

Creo Parametric TOOLKIT : User's Guide Click this link to load the Creo Parametric TOOLKIT User's Guide. The User's Guide describes how to use Creo Parametric TOOLKIT. This manual introduces Creo Parametric TOOLKIT, the features it offers, and the techniques and background knowledge required to use it.